
Fast Foods Research Paper

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The evolution of all things can always go two ways, for it may be a good advancement, but one must always question whether it will do more harm in the long run. In the 1940s the Green Revolution took off, increasing the rate at which agriculture grew because of new advances. These advances included new chemical fertilizers, synthetic herbicides, and pesticides being created, known as GMOs (genetically modified organisms). At the time, these new advances allowed farmers to produce crops at a rate that could feed the growing population. In today’s society, GMOs are being constantly consumed in the means of fast food. The popularity of fast food grew in the United States as GMOs became more advanced. This new eating habit spreading in the US raises …show more content…

An example of this being a farmer in central Iowa explains his usage of GMOs to increase the efficiency of his crop production. Chris Huegerich, the farmer, that although the GMO seeds cost more money, they allow him to save money on other pesticides and herbicides. Huegerich says that his productivity and profit went up; however, he later on he does explain that as time went on and the revenue went up, some troubles rose. “Mother Nature adapts”, says Huegerich. “I didn’t have corn rootworm because of the Bt gene, and I used less pesticides. Now, the worms are adjusting, and the weeds are resistant”, he says, explaining that although the GMO seeds did work at first, their effect began wearing off as the worms grew immune. Huegerich decided to try something new, he planted 320 acres of conventional corn and 1,700 with GMO corn. The conventional fields yielded 15-30 more bushels per acre than the GMO fields, with a profit of at least $100 more per acre. This is not the only farmer to stop using GMO seeds because they do not work the same as they did in the beginning. The GMO corn seeds can cost $150 more per bag than conventional corn, as well as forcing farmers to use and buy more chemicals for their

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