
Fate And Free Will In Sophocles Oedipus The King

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Oedipus the King As I was reading the play Oedipus the King by Sophocles, I realized that the author was talking about two main things. The first thing this play is talking about is fate and the second thing is blindness. As a Christian I was so happy when I first realized that this play was about fate, but reading this play through the end was kind of painful to me. First, the author tells us fate by first saying that a priest talks to them about the prophecy. Unless someone believes in fate and destiny, he would not believe in prophecies. The definition of prophecy is like a prediction of the future. Also, the priest said in the play that, “The herds are sick; children die unborn, And labor is vain.” (par. 28&29) The priest said that

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