
Feasibility Impaired: Article Analysis

Decent Essays

The researched proposal by Manasi Deshpande entitled “A Call to Improve Campus Accessibility for the Mobility Impaired,” is a reasonable argument, by this student, to improve campus accessibility at the University of Texas. I believe this student supports her argument very well by using interviews and campus observations. The proposal emphasizes the challenges students with mobility impairments encounter while attending classes on campus. Ms. Deshpande includes her personal experiences, as well as the experiences of fellow students as supporting evidence. Frankly, it was a bit shocking to learn this student changed her major due to accessibility issues. This fact alone should be a strong argument for change. The proposal details the benefits for improving campus accessibility not only for students, but also faculty. Moreover, Ms. Deshpande adds to her argument by including statistics regarding the …show more content…

For instance, Ms. Deshpande argues that better campus accessibility would increase the University’s recruitment of disabled individuals. The section of the paper entitled “Counterargument” focuses on the cost related to improving campus accessibility, but includes evidence to contradict that cost prevents campus authorities from making this matter a higher priority. Moreover, the student reminds the University regarding their legal obligations for making these changes. I believe that including a federal law as evidence to justify her proposal is the author’s most persuasive argument. Her field work identifies that only nineteen of the one-hundred-fifty campus buildings fully comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Deshpande (2010), states in her proposal that there is ‘no legal deadline to make the entire campus accessible.” Sadly, the Americans with Disabilities Act supporting her argument is flawed, allowing campus authorities to drag their

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