Felis Catus, or cats, have many abilities.The cat’s ancestor was the wildcat. Because of these traits, the wildcat has survived and made different species.
Felis Catus, or cats, have many abilities. One of the abilities I learned was that they have strong, flexible bodies. Cats can leap from tall places. Another thing I learned was that they have fast reflexes. It helps them hunt. Speaking of hunting, another thing I learned was that cats can see in the dark, so if they are hunting in dark places or if they are hunting at night, they would still be able to see. The last thing I learned was that cats are eligable to hear high pitched sounds that we cannot hear. Pretty cool right?
The cat’s ancestor was the wildcat. The wildcat population
Being natural predators, they would hunt rodents, which encouraged Middle Eastern farmers to keep them around. Grange explains that this set up could be dubbed as “mutually profitable for both sides” (qtd. in Saey). Also, as many cat owners know, cats typically mark their territory and stay in one place. Using this knowledge, scientists have drawn conclusions that cats were transported to Europe; they didn’t migrate there themselves. This idea is backed up with evidence from mitotypes. “European wildcats carried one mitotype. It’s called clade I. A 6,400-year-old Bulgarian cat and a 5,200-year-old Romanian cat had a different type of mitochondrial DNA. They both had mitotype IV-A” (Saey). These mitotypes are relative to location, so when cats in Africa were found with mitotypes previously only found in Egypt, it suggested that cats were being transported by people. Saey also brings up a valid point, “Thirty-two of 70 cats from Southwest Asia also had that mitotype. That rapid spread may indicate that sailors traveled with cats, some of which could have jumped ship to find a new
The Kitty Genovese case is about a woman who was stabbed to death in Queens New York on March 13th, 1964. She was walking to her apartment from her car in the early AM when she was stabbed by a man. She screamed out that she had been stabbed. The attacker returned multiple times until she was dead. It has been believed that 38 people saw the murder and only one person called the police but was too late.
On March 13, 1964, Kitty Genovese was going back to home from her work at around 2:30 a.m. The murder whose name Winston Moseley followed her until Kitty Genovese arrived at her neighborhood in the Kew Gardens of Queens in New York. After Kitty parked her car a number of feet from her apartment, the murder chased her down and stabbed her in the back twice. Due to the excruciating pain, Kitty Genovese loudly screamed “Oh, my God, he stabbed me! Please help me! Please help me!” to draw the attention for help. One of the neighbors responded a shouting at the criminal from the upper window “Let that girl alone!” Immediately after getting the attention of the criminal, Winston Moseley fled the scene and left Kitty Genovese crawling towards her apartment.
SALISBURY, N.C—The Catawba students really showed their talent this weekend. Not only did the Catawba Indians win both football and volleyball, but the music department also showed what they are made of. One of the performers was the Catawba soccer player and popular music major Eli Womble, with great performance.
This species of wild cats has not been confirmed in the United States in nearly three decades. Although, there have been quite a few unconfirmed sightings. A cat of the lowlands, not generally found above 6500 feet, the Gulf Coast Jaguarundi occupy a wide range of both open and closed habitats – from dry scrub, swamp and savannah woodland to primary forest. A factor that is used to establish habitat appropriateness is access to dense ground vegetation. Of all of the New World felines, the Jaguarundi are the most adaptable in its ability to occupy diverse
When presented with catnip, out of all three of my cats, one was completely uninterested,
In order to hold onto prey and to keep it in its grasp Felis Catus has developed sharp claws to catch and hold prey. Unlike humans in this case the Felis Catus 's claws are
Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim, usually known as Paracelsus, was born in Einsiedeln, Switzerland on either the 11th November or 17th December 1493. This was the time of the Renaissance. He died on the 24th September 1541. During this period of time surgery was practiced mostly by barbers, who used the same tools for both their trades. Medicine was primitive and painful in this era. There was much controversy over how to manage wounds, for example the argument of whether or not pus was good. Cauterization, or the burning of a wound to close it, was the main way to stop bleeding. All in all, most medicinal views were based off of unproved theories. Magic was not used in healing at this time as witch burnings were still taking place. It was very taboo, and had no place in healing where he worked. As a wizard, Paracelsus is credited
The Pelamis platurus/Yellow bellied sea snake, has a head is narrow, and has an entire head shield. The posture is less than half a diameter, and they have 23-47 body scales, and 264-406 ventral scales. Their most common size is 1m, and they are bilateral. Their colors are black on their backs, and yellow on their stomachs and sometimes they have black spots. They are also Bilateral.
Some unusual facts about the cheetah are that unlike other cats, they cannot climb trees. They also cannot roar, but they can purr very loudly. Siblings mostly form the hunting groups. The cheetah is the smallest of all of the wild cats. Streaks under the cat’s eyes or “tear marks” help them to see, because it blocks out the sun’s rays. Their tail is a form of steering to help them to turn tight
Catarrh is a build-up or blockage of mucus which effects the airways (nose/throat) or airfilled
They have a free-floating clavicle bone that attach their shoulders to their forelimbs and allows getting in very small spaces. A cat has detected his human’s breast cancer. Hearing is of the cats strongest senses, they can hear sounds as 64 kHz compared with humans, who can hear only as highs as 20 kHz.
Rosmarinus officinalis (Family: Lamiaceae) has been used as a food preservative and flavoring agent. This plant also contains antioxidant activity and can be used as a possible therapeutic alternative for various diseases. The purpose of this study was to explore the antifibrotic effect of Rosmarinus officinalis in carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)-induced liver dysfunction in rats. Over the course of the development of liver dysfunction, several oxidative stress parameters, increased liver marker enzymatic functions (AST, ALP and ALT activities) were determined in CCl4 treated rats. Supplementation of Rosmarinus officinalis prevented the liver damage by reducing elevated level of lipid peroxidation, nitric oxide and advanced oxidative protein product
The first cat like ancestor is the sabertooth tiger about 60 million years ago. The felidaes overall life span could be anywhere between 15-30 years with some exceptions. Felids tend to have lithe and flexible bodies with muscular limbs. In the great majority of species, the tail is between a third and a half the length of the body. The limbs are flimsy with soft toe pads and protractible claws. Compared with most other mammals, the head is highly dome shaped with a short muzzle. The skull has a wide arches and a large dip and that allow for the connection of jaw muscles.
Panthera uncia, commonly known as the snow leopard, is a longhaired cat included in the Felidae family, or big cat family. Snow leopards were formerly classified as Leo uncia but were placed in the genus Panthera with the other big cat species due to their common ancestors. Snow leopards are closely related to tigers, or Panthera tigris. Both species separated from the big cat family around 3.9 million years ago, and genetic studies show that snow leopards branched from tigers around 3.2 million years ago, which shows their close tie to tigers (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2014).