
Female Law Enforcement Research Paper

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The main challenges that confront female law enforcement officers are those rooted in prejudices regarding distinctions between genders. There are significant gender role changes that woman are making in today's society. One can see that women in the past have less worth to men when it comes to occupations, but women today are trying to change that. However, women are struggling because they feel as if they have to play a secondary role to men as if we live in a male-dominated the world. People view men to be more strong and braver than women are supposed to be. "Sometimes if I'm at a call, the complainant won't talk to me, they'll choose instead to talk to the big tall guy who has only been with the department a few months because they feel more comfortable with him. Or I will pull someone over and they won't take me seriously" (Gulino). Women offer a different approach and handle things differently than their male counterparts would. This could be a good thing and bad thing.
There may be some risks as to being a female cop. For example, a threat to female officers could be confronting male …show more content…

Men also should not make assumptions that women can’t handle the job physically the way a man can. They also need the support of the people they work with to make both male and females feel comfortable while doing their everyday job. Only having a very limited amount of women in a police unit is simply not enough for them to feel that they have a voice and are supported by their team. While choosing a career, females often think of go into the police force to help other people, yet the challenges frighten them. "I told him how hard I had to work to just get hired, then get through the Academy of 40 plus men and five women and three years on the street with people who didn’t believe in me" (Mitchell). Females should be able to follow their childhood dream, and be whoever they want without being

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