
Female Saudi Perception Of Online Banking

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This study will focus on the female Saudi perception of online banking because limited studies have been performed.
Aljasser and Sasidhar (2013) stated, “in Saudi Arabia, both traditional banks and women-only banks function in parallel” (p. 9); however, men and women have separated buildings. This study will investigate female Saudi users’ perceptions toward online banking in Saudi Arabia. Statistically, this research will identify the factors that influence Saudi female users to adopt online banking. Online banking services are beneficial for the consumer; it offers remote electronic services for users (Wischnevsky & Damanpour, 2003). A convenient environment to do their transactions through online banking website (Montazemi & Qahri-Saremi, 2015). Also, online banking services can be used either through computers or smartphones (Sukkar & Hasan, 2005; Abdalkrim & Khrais, 2013; Beadnell, 2014).
Montazemi and Qahri-Saremi (2015) argued that online banking provides the users with benefits such as “cost savings, greater control over service delivery, reduced wait times, higher perceived levels of customization, and convenient access to services without time or space constraints” (p. 1). Online banking will provide Saudi female users with completely flexible and quick service (Abdalkrim & Khrais, 2013; Beadnell, 2014). Such benefits should encourage Saudi female to use online banking as a channel to do their transactions. The latest statistic by Lella (2012) revealed that 423.5

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