
Feminism Is An Interdisciplinary Idea

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Feminism is an interdisciplinary idea. In sociology, feminism broadens our ideas on gender and transforms it into a major field of study. George Ritzer, in Contemporary Sociological Theory and Its Classical Roots, breaks feminist theory down into four major varieties, gender differences, gender inequality, gender oppression, and structural oppression. He then explains the different forms of feminism seen in each variety.
The first variety, gender difference, describes, explains, and traces the implications of how men and women are or are not the same in behavior and experience. “Women’s location in, and experience of, most situations is different from those of men in the situation.” (Ritzer, 201) Cultural feminism is one of two theories Ritzer discusses under gender differences. This theory explores and celebrates the social value of women’s distinctive ways of being. The core idea of theory is that a woman’s way of being may be better for society; better than those of the androcentric culture. Cooperation, pacifism, and nonviolence in the settling of disputes, these virtues of women can be argued better for governing a society. Another form of feminist theory Ritzer places under the variety gender difference is feminist interactionist theory. In this theory ethnomethodology claims that “institutional order, culture, and stratification are maintained by the ongoing activities of individuals in interaction.” (Ritzer, 204)When this concept is applied to gender it creates the

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