
Feminist Theories And Domestic Violence In Maureen Mccarthy's Stay With Me

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Maureen McCarthy, a well known Australian writer, has published a number of young adult fictional stories. Her novels have proved her guardianship over young women who are viewed as vulnerable in the current society. Her work, Stay With Me, draws inspiration from domestic abuse that young women in Australia and across the world experience. She narrates a story of Tess, a young woman, and her three year old daughter who faces abuse from her older husband Jay. She loses control of her and no sense of self-sufficiency as a result of abuse from her husband and his watchful family. Tess longs to escape for the safety of her and her daughter. A kind stranger comes to her rescue, helping her and her daughter escape back to her family, whom she has not seen for a long time. Theme of domestic violence is prevalent throughout the story and is manifested by emotional and physical abuse. My paper will provide an analysis of domestic abuse experienced by Tess based on gender relations and feminist theories.
Feminist Theories and Domestic Violence
Feminist theory is a body of literary, philosophical, and sociological analysis that explores the inequality that exists between men and women in societies around the world. Feminist theory consists of various subcategories that explain gender inequality through differing causal factors. All of the varied subcategories unanimously contend that men and women should be equal within the political, economic, sexual, and social spheres of society.

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