
Fight Club Essay

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All the Young Dudes , Altered contemporary spiritual and physical spatial experiences in social movements under the influence of network 2.0 "...We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War's a spiritual war... our Great Depression is our lives. We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won't. And we're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed off." —Tyler Durdena, a character from the 1999 David Fincher film Fight Club The soliloquy is quoted from the narrator in the film Fight Club which reveals a deep anxiety under the tide of capitalism. The movie Fight Club is not only a story of generational psychological and spiritual …show more content…

Participating in politics is actually blurring the boundary of public and private realm for individuals. In The Human Condition, Arendt suggested the political activity which was performed in the public realm in but this relation between political activity and public realm has gone since people started to concern politic is relates to their own welfare more than a state or a nation's benefit. When people found that politic is directly connects with their family life (which is belonging to private realm,) the boundary between public and privacy realms has become less distinctive . If have a political speech in the square is a blur to the boundary between public and privacy realm, participate a social movement could be more than just blur of boundary, it is actually removing the distinction of public and private …show more content…

When Web 2.0 forever changes humankind's behavior and thoughts, those young protesters who were in 1968 Paris are already old enough to sitting in the office room, commanding police to arrest another new generation of protesters who yelling on the street. Compare with the original World Wide Web, the evolved Web 2.0 is named by its ability for users to interact with each others. Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web, who described Web 2.0 as: "a place where we could all meet and read and write." He said, "When you write a blog, you don't write complicated hypertext, you just write text " . Web 2.0 starts to make networked world "virtualized" through its handy and approachable feature. The virtualization of everything on the network makes people rely on the smart device to organize their everyday life, also brings confusion and anxiety. In the film "Her", it elaborates a virtual relationship between a man and an artificial intelligence female figure. In Adbusters, the journal of the mental environment, Darren Fleet questioned how far technologies can reach: "What does it mean to be a human being when digital technologies can do everything that we can do, only better, even love?" Indeed, network based virtual world makes people especially this generation addicted on it. It just like the slogan on the poster: "All these open windows, but no fresh air." It was a perfect description of this generation who rose

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