
Figueroa 's Framework For Examining Equity And Access

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Ballroom Dance Figueroa’s Framework for Examining Equity and Access in Sport and Physical Activity in Australian Society Caelyn Rosenlund 11.2 PHE Ms Humphrys Due date 17/06/15 Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction 3 2.0 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs 4 2.1 Love and Belonging 4 2.2 Self Esteem………………………….....................................................................4/5 2.3 Relationship and Interactions with Parents…………………………………………..….…5 2.4 Relationship and Interactions with Teachers and coaches…………………….....…5 3.0 Figueroa’s Framework 6 3.1 Interpersonal Needs 6 4.0 Recommendations 7 5.0 Appendix 8 Figure 1.1 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs 8 Figure 1.2 Figueroa’s Framework 8 6.0 Conclusion 9 7.0 Bibliography 10 1.0 Introduction Ballroom dance is a sport that involves productive thinking, strength, balance and control. This term has been centred around Figueroa 's Framework and the effect on access, equity and cooperation in ballroom dance. The aim for this report is to recognize which level of Figueroa 's Framework and Maslow 's hierarchy of human needs has had the most critical impact on my advantage and attempts in ballroom dancing this term. This report will focus on the interpersonal level of Figueroa 's framework and the associations that have affected my participation in ballroom. These consolidate the associates, friends, educators (Mrs Humphrys, Miss Grehan and Mrs Brennan), family member and mentors such as

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