
Final Quiz

Better Essays

Weekly Quizzes – 15% You are expected to complete each quiz as you finish reading a chapter. The quiz on the reading is due on Monday the week after the reading is assigned by class time (5:00 p.m. Central Time). The system will lock quizzes at that time, which means that incomplete quizzes will be submitted automatically. Because you have at least a week to complete each quiz, I will not re-open quizzes after the due date has passed. The quizzes are open-book. You are allowed two untimed attempts, and I will take the higher of the two scores. This system is designed to reward timely reading and revisiting the material. Due Date: Weekly each Monday as assigned Mid Term Exam – TBA – 30% Final Exam – TBA -30% Homework and Video – 20% Class …show more content…

Students are graded on the following aspects of participation: active class involvement and discussion, demonstrating an understanding of the course materials, and evidence of having completed the readings and any chapter exercises assigned. Reporting in class on the completion of these is considered class participation. I may ask for volunteers to share their notes from these exercises. Class involvement/participation is graded based on my observation of class participation. The class participation grade is determined by both the quantity of participatory behaviors (i.e. utterances, arm waving, etc.) but also on the quality of the participation; (i.e. having salient contributions, reflecting preparation and knowledge of the material, and raising thought-provoking questions or issues). Please note that grades will be impacted by failing to display professional dispositions (i.e., adherence to professional ethics, respect for diverse views, tolerance of ambiguity, appreciation and openness to cultural difference, and CONFIDENTIALITY). I also expect students to demonstrate respect for the professor and the other students in class by refraining from using electronic devices for any purpose other than notetaking. (i.e.., texting, checking email, Facebook, Instagram, snap chat, etc. or distractions due to laptops), unless prior arrangements have been made with me. Group Observation Assignment (25% of your grade) Students are

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