
Final Reflection for Sociology

Decent Essays

For this final reflection for Intro to Sociology, I will cover several topics that I learned throughout the course of this class. I will cover topics that I can relate to as well as those that I can’t. Part of the reason this class is so important for students to take is so that we can take the outlook of others and allow it to possibly change the views that we have on certain topics. Topics such as culture, race and ethnicity, gender stratification, and education are a part of our daily life, but we get in such a rut of living day to day life without taking in the opinion and outlook of others that we don’t know what we truly feel because we are only one sided. By learning these different ideas and beliefs, we may not feel the way …show more content…

There are a lot more stay at home fathers now than there were in the last decade and as time goes on, there will be more and more taking up this role.
Education is the social institution through which society provides its members with important knowledge, including basic facts, job skills, and cultural norms and values (Macionis 406). Today, schooling differs from whether you are living in a high income

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