
Finding Comfort in Somali Malls Essay

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After being away many years from my home country I missed all the traditional Somali, however I found new Mogadishu called Karmel and 24th malls it was a mystery for me because when I moved my country I was worried my new life how could be possible to have connection with my back home forexample foods, clothes people and the culture. I was feeling uncomfortable, frustration, and confused whenever I shop until I found the two Somali malls close to my home in the Twin Cities. Then my life seems to be normal since I find everything I need, they meet all my needs. Somali malls offer many necessary things for lifestyle and offer traditions and culture for my children and a sense of community for all of us. I love these two malls it is my …show more content…

I feel a connection to my community and my Somalis peopleevery time I go there, justlike I did back home. When I came here,I knewno English. Since English is my second language, it is very hard for to communicate with all American people,for instances, whenever I like to shopping it’s not easy for me. At these malls, it is a relief to know the shoppers and the seller use the same language; we don’t have to worry about misunderstanding or interpreting with certain situations. Everything became much easier and whenever Ivisit there, I remember, Mogadishu, the city I grew up in; I can see and smell thefood that reminds me of my hometown. It makes me happy to know that I can buy everything I used to buy in my homeland for everyday use. Whenever I go there, I try to bring my kids with me on the other hand it shows them the rich culture and traditions that were carried on in Somalia whichwillhelp them learn whatlife was like back then compared to how it is now. In the mall, shopping for clothes and ordering food is done in the same way as it’s done in my country which isvery different in theSomalia or Middle Eastern stores compared to American; you have to bargain for the prices. Most of the sellers will start by giving you a higher price than the original because when you ask for a price of an item,

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