
Culture Of Somalia Research Paper

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The Culture of Somalia The country of Somalia had a colorful past, in that plenty of conflicts went on throughout its history. The government of Somalia improved throughout the years. It has overcome corruption, but even though Somalia is ran different today, the issues of fraud still arise. Government fraud, Civil War, and American difference have been steady throughout Somalia’s peak of destruction. We look to the present day Somalia and see that terrorism and fraud still try to disrupt the clean appearance that Somalia is trying to live by. Though all of these variables are constant in Somalia today, the strength of the government trying to succeed is stronger than creating a setback. Culture is the beliefs, customs, and …show more content…

This Civil War lasted for a time of 1988 to 1992. The most dangerous years of this Civil War considered being “throughout 1991 through 1993 because of the high mortality and starvation rate throughout the country” (Leslie P. Boss, Michael J. Toole, and Ray Yip). This country was currently in a state of chaos and was greatly in need of foreign assistance. It was the duty of the United States to support the Somali people and start to set their country straight. Throughout this period of American support to help restructure the country plenty of operations have been set to enforce the peaceful changes. Some of these military operations are Operation Provide Relief, Operation Restore Hope, Operation Continue Hope, and Operation United Shield. Operation Provide Relief was created because of the continuing efforts of the American people trying to airlift food to the Somali people. This operation was destroyed because local gangs throughout the country of Somalia took control of the airlifted food and used the food as a currency throughout the torn country. These penalties led to the “starvation of thousands and the manipulation of the Somali people” (Stewart). Due to this cycle of constant overlapping chaos Operation Restore Hope began. Operation Restore Hopes main mission was to send troops on the ground in Somalia and ensure all people of Somalia were fed. Operation Continue Hope was created due to more aggressive …show more content…

The country fell under with terrorist groups, pirates, and rebel militias. Al-Shabaab is the main terrorist group out of Somalia claiming to have relationships with the infamous al-Qaeda terror group. The Somali pirates did not have connections to Al-Shabaab, but they were “a force that is branched off the local militias” (Cohn). The country lacks a government during life after the Civil War. About fourteen different governments ran throughout 1991 until 2000. The influencing authority throughout Somalia was the rebels once again until the 2000s. The truth throughout this period Somalia is placed in a governmental hold for years until the

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