
Finding Identity In High School

Decent Essays

Within the package of individuality comes with a long journey of discovery. Especially, when entering high school we are faced with the ultimate task of finding ourselves. We are told by many, that this journey that we are forced to part-take in, is not gonna be an easy one. The process may take the entire four year term, or less, maybe even more. Once you find the identity that your destiny desires, you feel a sense of having your own spot in this very different world. All you have to do is follow these simple steps of finding your identity, such as: making mistakes, falling, learning when to get back up, and using those lessons to shape you into the individual that you were meant to be.
When making mistakes, you’re unintentionally creating a lesson plan specifically designed for you. The mistake may be small, or large, but they’re mistakes that will help shape your character. It’s okay to make mistakes in high school, because in high school you are faced with the many temptations of your modern day teenagers. Drugs, alcohol, and many other things are thrown at you once you enter those double doors. Those who indulge in those endeavors, are the lucky ones that learn the most lessons. For the first step, just let the mistakes happen, you …show more content…

After all of those mistakes that you have made, some left its mark on your life. This creates a void in the production of your identity. You may feel the need to give up, the feeling of not being worthy of anything anymore. But, you must understand that it’s apart of this crazy journey of finding ourselves. As teenagers, we are meant to have “ a mid-life crisis” at some point in our years. This is a natural movement in the cycle of life, falling down is only helping you learn how to move with the rhythm of the earth. For the second step, don’t be afraid to take a fall, even though it may hurt, you will learn how to move along with life's natural

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