"Finding our Way: The Experience of Education” by Mike Rose
“Finding Our Way” is a belief that education is important for everyone, which can be used as a guide to help us through the world. Mike Rose explains that we learn things outside of books as well, through curiosity with or without education. Using that education we pass down to ensure the young will be ready for the real world. These experiences are archive by attending classes and learning, teachers can have a big part by teaching us things we did not or never known before. Which can come down to the topic you're interested in, they could help keep you engaged in what you want to know. The main point is that knowledge truly is power and that it can help us make educated decisions
By continually searching for an answer; we are forced to read and comprehend many things that may not fit into the subject question, but give us insight into other things. Eventually we may come up with the answer we are looking for, albeit the path to the answer was creative and informative.
When carrying out everyday tasks, it may seem that it’s always tedious and mundane, driving the person to even question the point in doing it. The answer is quite obvious, yet it’s not. They are simply learning even more than what they already know. When doing anything from walking down the street to sitting at a desk for 8 hours, someone can learn something out of it. Just by being there it’s easy for someone to observe and learn new things thanks to their current environment. The point is, not all learning comes from academic environments. People can obtain just as much knowledge and skills in everyday life than they can in school settings if the environment and situations are right.
The Amazing Journey Daniel swallows some gum. He shows Tippy and Kitty the pack of gum with the warning DO NOT SWALLOW. Kitty has the idea for Daniel to tell Papa he swallowed gum. Using an X-ray Papa can see the gum in Daniel's tummy. Papa's laboratory has a shrinking machine that allows the gang to take a ride through Daniel's body and retrieve the swallowed gum.
In today’s society, education has shifted the way in how one thinks, making a basis were they acquire everyone in a classroom to grasp the knowledge being presented to them at the same pace. Those that are unsuccessful to comprehend in the way that was instructed to them are viewed upon as the most needed and deficient. Having a structured way in how one should apprehend certain information, sets barriers in the process of thinking. It prevents the mind to think of other solutions, and to stick to the certain idea.
During my undergraduate career, I have learn a lot more than what was taught in the classroom. It was an experience that you cannot describe in words; something you can only experience. Luckily, I had environment that encouraged me to explore beyond what a textbook has to over via instructor, counselor or peer. When your challenges are arranged as a journey of learning, surrounded by a supportive environment, the wonders you can learn about the world are endless.
Our mind is the gateway to new beliefs, ideas and culture. However, that can never be achieved without a challenge, a push. If I did not care about my education I would not be applying to Whitney M. Young Magnet High School.
The countless ways we can form a sense of self comes from the eye of the beholder. Some people, for example, may seek guidance from art and literature while others may focus on religious beliefs. While no one way is superior to another we all take different paths to help find our true sense of who we truly are. For example, Donald Batchelder empowers people to engage in other societies to learn valuable life lessons. Additionally, Lopez insists that we gain perspective when we take an inner journey to discover unknown qualities that are within ourselves.
When looking at week 3 two course materials that caught my attention were “The Incredible Human Journey-Episode 1-Out Of Africa” presented by Alice Roberts and Gender in the African Diaspora: Electronic Research Materials by Patrick Manning. Roberts explains how early human’s first travel out of Africa and then populate the rest of the world. Manning is writes about how easy it now is to get information on the African Diaspora, but how he is concerned about how women are being portrayed. Overall I found both materials to be very interesting, but wished that some things could have been done differently. “The Incredible Human Journey-Episode 1-Out Of Africa” begins with the viewer meeting Alice Roberts and traveling with her to a village in order to find the location of where the earliest human remains were found.
When man learns something they have to adjust themselves from the old ways. This basically says that getting educated is not always good, but it is the truth. “It would obviously take some getting accustomed, I think, if it should be a matter of taking into one's eyes that which is up there outside the cave, in the light of the sun.” (Plato 4). This quote from,“The Allegory of the Cave” supports that when man receives knowledge it changes the perspective.
Yet even with these realizations that delve into the deeper meaning of education, modern education is still calling for simple measurable outcomes and continues to be geared towards specific employment ideas. This model of education is blatantly inadequate though. Many students today will end up holding jobs not yet invented in fields not yet discovered, so the teaching of answers to today’s questions is utterly useless. Albert Einstein once said, “Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.” and this statement reigns true throughout time. To continue academic success, the education system needs to impart a mastery of one’s own mind that allows students to not only answer current questions but also to pose questions that will shape the future world.
Acquiring education is one of the most critical aspects of a person’s life. It should be seen as vital as the air we breathe. The key to a healthy mind and a successful person is learning. “Without education, you’re not going anywhere in this world” is a famous quote by Malcolm X. His quote reiterates that the competitive world makes it essential for us to have a proper education since it will serve as our weapon to conquer the world. Education will help a person grow as an individual because a highly knowledgeable person will have a better grip on handling any problem that comes his or her way. Literacy is the foundation of what we are as individuals. Every decision we make, as well as our thought process, is the basis of what we know.
Constantly learning and growing in our lifetime, allows us to gain an understanding of the world around us. Analyzing, admiring and reaching for what the world has to offer, we are able to
As Daniel J. Boorstin said, “Education is learning what you didn 't even know you didn 't know.”
“The unexamined life is not worth living.” Socrates, the great Greek philosopher, has never spoken truer words. The unexamined life is a recurring theme in both Plato’s The Allegory of the Cave and Richard Wright’s The Library Card. There are many ways to achieve enlightenment, for example, going out and obtaining information, through individualism, learning from mistakes, becoming an intellectual reader, or contemplation.
People tend to reject new information and used to do things in their own ‘old’ ways when in touch with something beyond their knowledge and experiences. Thus, drive to learn helps people to grow further and know their true selves earlier.