
Chapter Summary: The Amazing Journey

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The Amazing Journey Daniel swallows some gum. He shows Tippy and Kitty the pack of gum with the warning DO NOT SWALLOW. Kitty has the idea for Daniel to tell Papa he swallowed gum. Using an X-ray Papa can see the gum in Daniel's tummy. Papa's laboratory has a shrinking machine that allows the gang to take a ride through Daniel's body and retrieve the swallowed gum. The Easy Squeezy Toothpaste Maximer Jodie, Fifi and Kitty create a 'Rube Goldberg' design to squeeze their toothpaste. It begins when a wind-up truck knocks over books that bump into steel balls, that send a toy skateboarder through a half pipe, into a basket that lifts the door to a rabbit cage, releasing the rabbit to eat carrots that tip the scale so a phonograph needle plays

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