
Finding The Difference Between Excellence And Disaster On A Real Life Project The Challenger Shuttle Disaster

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Executive summary The objective of this literature review was to study quality could mean the difference between excellence and disaster on a real life project The Challenger shuttle disaster. The first part of the literature revive discussed the Vaughan’s (1996) analysis, which found the human errors are one of the main reasons of resulting the Challenger shuttle disaster. Also, by outlining Perrow’s (1999) Normal Accident theory, it argues that complex interaction system caused the inevitability of this accident. The second part of the literature review outlined seven points related to the Challenger shuttle disaster of Deming’s (1986) 14 points. These points were guidelines of improvements of quality management. He suggested errors in the Challenger shuttle project could be reduced but not eliminates them completely. This literature review focused on the disaster and pinpointed how the quality project management should be executed in this case. Table of Contents Executive summary 2 CHAPTER 1 Introduction 4 CHAPTER 2 Backgrounds 4 CHAPTER 3 Review of the literature 4 Chapter 4 Discussions 6 CHAPTER 5 Conclusion 7 References 8 CHAPTER 2 Backgrounds On 28th January 1986, the whole world focused on the Challenger shuttle project, which was an evolution of carrying first person into space. However, after 73 seconds into the flight, the Challenger was ripped apart above Cape Canaveral in Florida. As a result, the launch of this shuttle exploded and killed seven

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