
First Puppy Personal Narrative

Decent Essays

First Puppy
June 25, 2015 is the day my life changed for the better. My family welcomed a dog into my family for the first time. My brothers and I begged my parents for years for a dog and the day it finally happened, I was shocked. Being told for years that I wasn’t responsible enough to take care of a dog, I couldn’t wrap my head around the thought of having one. Puppies are a lot of work, and I never understood that, it was like adding a new person into the family. As soon as the dog entered the house, the household turned into a completely different environment.
Hello! I’m home.
I ignored my mom thinking she didn’t need anything.
Sydnee, I need your help!
I’m coming!
I strolled to her car and my jaw dropped. Her trunk was filled with dog supplies.
Why do you have all this? We don’t …show more content…

Can you please stop yelling? I’m trying to sleep!
Snicker’s would have accidents in the house because I could not monitor him at all times. I was always on my hands and knees cleaning up the messes he made. I never want to experience the awful messes again. The nights were the hardest. If the puppy was not outside going to the bathroom, then he cried in his crate. His cry sounded like an opera because it was so high pitched. Snickers needed to learn to sleep in his crate so I couldn’t let him out to be with me. I looked like a zombie because I rarely got any sleep. I was always letting Snickers outside, or I was awake because of the noises he made. I rarely got an amazing night’s rest. As time went on, Snickers adjusted to living with us and everything got better.
Even though the first month of having Snickers was hard, I wouldn’t trade it for the world. Snickers brings me instant joy when I see him and I’ll always have him welcoming me home at the front door. He always cheers me up when I’m having a gloomy day, and he will always show me unconditional love. I am forever grateful for him and my life would be completely different without

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