
Five Ethical Rules

Satisfactory Essays

The five ethical rules that I live by are honesty, respect, trust, team work, and individual freedom. My first rule is honesty because honesty is being truthful with yourself and towards others around you. The pro of honesty is being honest with yourself about what is going on in your life and being honest with those who love you. Another pro for honesty is that you can make your relationship stronger if you are honest with each other. I can also have a better friendship with my friends if I were to be honest with them. The cons of honesty are that you could hurt some people’s feelings by not telling them the truth about anything that is going on with them. This can also ruin a friendship with your friend if you are not honest about something you did to them. It also can ruin a relationship with your significant other if you are not truthful about finances or other things because it can make the relationship harder for you both to be honest with each other. The second rule is respect because respect is showing consideration of yourself and others. By showing common courtesy first and receiving in return. If I give respect, I expect some respect back from that person. Having respect for myself will get me better things in life. Some of the cons of respect is that people just don’t give much respect at all. …show more content…

The pros of trust are that you can become happier in a good relationship that you have with a friend or a husband or family member. You want to show some care for yourself and that of other people. You also ask someone for advice if you trust them to give that advice to you. You always go to a family member or significant other when there is a problem that you have only if you trust them. The cons of trust are a thought of getting away with things you have done. When there is no trust you start lying about things that can hurt any relationship that you are

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