The Five People You Meet in Heaven Report
The field of medicine is not a field for everyone. It is both awful and wonderful at the same time. There are going to be things that will yank your heart out and there are going to be things that fill you with joy. It is hard to deal with the highs and lows, but it is rewarding. A book that ties closely to this idea is The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom. The main character in The Five People You Meet in Heaven is Eddie. Eddie is an 83-year-old man who dies trying to save a little girl from an amusement ride accident. Eddie feels his life was meaningless; he worked the same place his father did and worked there his entire life. After his death, he was forced to review his life before he can enter Heaven. There were five moments he had to examine. Each of these moments offered meaning and they each connect well with healthcare. The first person he meets in heaven is The Blue Man. The Blue Man explains that Eddie was the reason he passed. Eddie jumped out in front of his car and he latter crashed because of his nerves. The lesson Eddie took from this is the interconnectedness of our lives. This is especially true in the field of medicine.
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Eddie has an image of his wife that he revisits often. He explains that it is a “true love snap shot” (Albom, 2013, p.10). The third person in his journey in his life is his wife. She explained that she always loved him even after death. As a healthcare professional you will see lots of love. You will even begin to love some of your patients and their passing will have an impact. This idea of snapshots applies as well. You will remember certain patients and will remember some of those snapshots. It’s also important to know that you can love someone even if they are terminal. You many know they are going to pass, but that shouldn’t mean you cannot love them. Everyone is terminal, most just do not know how long
The book, The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom is a book full of reflection, life lessons, and experiences of the joys and sorrows that accompany life. The Five People You Meet in Heaven is about an old man named Eddie who meets his death after an accident at a theme park. On his path to heaven, Eddie meets five people from his life who he had an impact on, or who impacted him. These people teach Eddie important lessons before he is ready to move on. In the portion of the book about Eddie’s 2nd person, his captain, Eddie learns more about his life at war. The movie, The Five People You Meet in Heaven is very similar to the book at this part. In the section about war, in both the book and the movie, Eddie relives his experiences
During the time Eddie visited Taiwan, an old man that was a friend to his father said, “Your pops used to protect me from the older punks in this neighborhood. Every day. This was his neighborhood” (Huang 53). At this moment Eddie had a huge respect for his father. Saying...
When Eddie came home, he became more serious and somber. He completely lost touch with his old self, and completely changed his disposition. Thus, Eddie’s emotional and physical changes impacts the reader’s view of modern day conflicts.
Upon hearing this Eddie feels awful and asks why the blue man died instead of Eddie. The blue man assures him that it was okay and that everything happens for a reason. “There are no random acts. That we are all connected. That you can no more separate one life from another than you can separate a breeze from the wind” (Albom, 48). This was the first lesson for Eddie. That everything happens for a reason and that no life is a waste. “No life is a waste, the only time we waste is the time we spend thinking that we are alone.” (50)
The fourth person Eddie met in heaven was his wife, Marguerite. She had dark hair, dark eyes and was wearing a long lavender bridesmaids dress with a stitched straw hat. She was holding a basket filled with candy-covered almonds and looked to be in her 20s. Years ago at Ruby Pier Eddie met his "One true love snapshot," Marguerite. They shared a special love that was deep, quiet and irreplaceable. Marguerite always loved children but she was unable to bear them and always wanted to adopt a child. But one day while Marguerite was driving two male teenagers dropped a beer bottle on her car causing her windshield to break which created an even bigger and horrifying accident. She was then rushed to the hospital and the thought of adopting a child
Eddie the matenience man of Ruby Pier carnival seems like just typical old man, who struggles with the idea that he never lived up to his potential. However, after he dies, he is able to see his life through a different perspective, one of eternity, and realizes how unique and important his life has been. This closely echoes the truth found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church which says that only in heaven with Christ will we find our true identity and meaning of life. 1 Death is only the beginning for Eddie and his journey through the five “heavens” of people that his life has impacted demonstrates how intricately woven together every humanity is. As pilgrims, our view of suffering and day to day actions constricts our ability to see how God truly weaves human messiness together to create a beautiful tale of redemption. So, we must live for the destination, not for the journey, leaning on hope instead of complete understanding.
However, he was still so nervous that he had almost hit Eddie. As a result, he felt dizzy and his head fell for a moment, causing his car to almost collide with another. He skids down the street and pulls into an alley and ends up hitting a truck; no one found him in the alley until he had already died. The second person Eddie meets in heaven is his former Captain.
After learning his lesson about forgiveness from Ruby, Eddie implements the teachings he received to work towards forgiving his father. Throughout his childhood, Eddie encounters abuse by his father’s hand, and during his battle with depression and post-traumatic stress disorder, after returning from the war, and trying to cope with his leg injury, the only thing that Eddie’s father says to him is, “get up and get a job,” (Albom 108). Many other instances of physical, emotional, and psychological abuse take place throughout Eddie’s life, thus prompting the insightful passage of, “All parents damage their children. It cannot be helped. Youth, like pristine glass, absorbs the prints of its handlers. Some parents smudge, others crack, a few shatter childhoods completely into jagged little pieces, beyond repair,” (Albom 104). Eddie even goes to describe his relationship with his father as occurring in three stages throughout his lifetime; neglect, violence, and silence. Upon the event of his father’s death, Eddie feels obligated to quit his schooling, work at the Pier full-time, and look after his mother, who is completely lost in her grief in the aftermath of losing her husband. Later on in the novel, Eddie explains that all he wanted to do in life was get away from the Pier, but he uses his circumstance as a reason not to,
end. Every day, countless people quietly pass away after long and painful struggles with terminal
Eddie at the beginning of the story was hopeful that his career would succeed.Everything started going well for him, people said he played from the heart. He was starting to show that he had money, he got a leather jacket and and wore a chain. He made 1 record that went to the charts. When he went to hollywood he met a girl immediately and moved in with her. Not only that she taught him how to play the guitar which started his music career.Eddie started to become successful however when the A&R man told him that he doesn't hear a single. His music career was basically over, he had no idea what to do, he was confused. He was lost, he had no career when his A&R man fired him, he is “a rebel without a
The 5 people you meet in heaven Work Cited Albom, Mitch. The Five People You Meet in Heaven. New York, Hypérion, 2003. Introduction-this story is about a man who died helping save a girls life and then he goes to heaven and meets 5 people The blue man worked at ruby pier and his skin is permanently blue because of repeated ingestion of silver nitrate he felt lonely he preformed in some freak shows, he felt sorrow because of him running in front of a car to catch a ball and had a heart attack and he died, the blue man had worked at a sideshow at Ruby pier when he passed away, eddie is the main character in this story he was always feeling despair because of his wife dying before
The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom is about an elderly man named Eddie, whose job is to repair rides at an amusement park called Ruby Pier. The novel starts on Eddie's last day on earth, during an accident with one of the rides a little girl is standing right under a falling cart and to save her, Eddie flings himself to her and pushes her out of harm's way sacrificing himself. During his first moments in heaven Eddie comes in contact with a blue man whom he learns about heaven from. The blue man explains to Eddie that in heaven you will meet with five people and each person will reflect upon your past life on earth and explain to you what you didn't understand about your own life and to bring you closure. As Eddie meets all five
The Five People You Meet in Heaven. It is a New York Time Best Seller by Mitch Albom. The book follows the story of the life and death of an 84-year old man named Eddie. The novel was very entertaining.
Have you ever been forced to watch someone that you love dearly fall victim to a terminal illness that diminishes their quality of life a bit more with each day that passes? The illness not only wreaks havoc on the person who is suffering from it, but it also destroys the life of the caregiver. As cruel as it may sound, sometimes the best option is the termination of the poor life that is withering away.
The first person Eddie had met in heaven was the Blue Man. Now the reason he is named the Blue Man was because when he was a boy he was given silver nitrate to control his nerves which in return caused his skin to turn blue. The Blue Man had taught Eddie a few important lessons, such as how life is about forgiveness, or how no matter what there is no random acts in life and that all lives intertwine in some way. Here, in Heaven the Blue Man was telling Eddie how he died, and the way he died was a huge example of the lessons he had taught Eddie. Even though Eddie had never met this man a day in his life but yet he was the reason for his death. One day when Eddie was young he was just playing ball in his yard, and somehow the ball ended up rolling onto the highway, so Eddie not knowing to look ran out after the ball. The thing is Eddie had no idea that the blue man was driving with