
Five Ways To Be Active In Health Care

Decent Essays

Diabetes: Five ways to be active in your care at the hospital Diabetes has been known to be one of the most widespread lifelong disorders among the American people. The brochure chosen was published by The Joint Commission to be a part of the “Speak Up” campaign. The “Speak Up” campaigns were created to be able to promote awareness of the nationwide patient safety goals that were developed by The Joint Commission. This brochure lists the significant ways to be active in your care while a hospital setting. This brochure is most critical and supportive to people who currently live with Diabetes, whether it is type I or type II, and need to improve their way of managing it throughout their life. Client’s with diabetes will also benefit from …show more content…

The brochure states that the second point is to “ask what will happen with your medicines” (The Joint Commission). The second point encourages client’s to be informed of the effects their medications causes on their body, and to always inform the caregivers of any prescribed medications that they are taking at the moment. This step also reassures clients to know what to do if the client cannot keep their medicine down due to nausea or vomiting. It also mentions that client’s in need of surgery know how the medications given to them can interact with their diabetes medication. The third point that the brochure mentions is “know what will happen with your diet” (The Joint Commission). This point encourages clients to know what will happen if their diet is changed at all. For diabetics, nutrition is a very important part of life, especially during a hospital stay. Clients are encouraged to inform their caregivers about the type of meals or food that will help them achieve blood sugar levels that are within their target range. Diabetics have a higher risk for getting infections while in a hospital setting. The Joint Commission also stresses the importance of avoiding infections (The Joint Commission). The …show more content…

This topic is interesting to me because diabetes is the leading cause of health problems in the United States, and I sense that the more informed we are about it, as healthcare providers, we will be able to inform clients better about the risks and management of diabetes. All the information on the brochure is beneficial to healthcare providers and clients with diabetes. Client’s with diabetes are able to be more informed about how they should be cared for while in a hospital setting and also how they can help make their hospital stay virtuous by informing the caregiver. The information was presented very clear and it was also very informative. Current nursing or healthcare related research does support the information that this brochure states at the moment. There is a lot of research that supports every point made by this brochure, such as infection control and wearing an ID badge to be able to identify diabetics better. This article can mostly benefit client’s with type I or II diabetes who need extra help managing their diabetes and want to know how they can improve their hospital stays. It benefits diabetics by also giving tips on how they can be more involved with their care. Due to the fact that everyone will be more informed about how to manage diabetes in a hospital, this brochure will increase patient

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