
Fluoride Harm

Decent Essays

Fluoride - harm or benefit?

Fluoride plays an important role in the formation of teeth, but an excess of it is very toxic and can cause irreversible damage to the structure of the enamel - fluorosis. Depending on the extent of the teeth become white, yellow or brown spots, stripes, defects, and cleave fast break. In the case of fluorosis and in order to prevent it in children's toothpaste contains fluoride should be minimized. For children up to 4 years are suitable paste with fluoride concentrations less than 200 ppm, 4-8 years - no more than 500 ppm (values should be listed on the packaging of paste). At the age of 8-14 years, the child can use toothpaste with fluoride content of about 1400 ppm. The older the child, the less probability of getting large amounts of toothpaste into the body. …show more content…

They provide cleaning properties of pastes. The use as abrasives, calcium carbonate, and sodium bicarbonate (baking soda and chalk), which is too aggressive for children's tooth enamel. Milder cleansing have titanium dioxide and silicon dioxide, and their presence in the composition of the paste is more desirable. Designation of abrasion on the packaging of paste - index RDA, which must be not more than 20. For children up to 4 years, no more than 50.

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