
Following The Advice By Abeysekera And Dawson (2015) (See

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Following the advice by Abeysekera and Dawson (2015) (see Introduction), flipped classroom approach was implemented in a class consisting of 13 pre-service teachers who were attending their last year "Teaching Grammar" module for the TESOL undergraduate course at UK university based in Malaysia. Pre-service teachers were specifically selected for the study since "teachers, apart from any method or instructional materials they might have used, are central to understanding and improving English language teaching" (Freeman & Johnson, 1998, p. 401). Additionally, in order to investigate the connection between flipped classroom and research on grammar teaching, it was of a great importance to investigate pre-service teachers perceptions who are …show more content…

Additionally, students were provided with extra teaching sessions upon prior request. Ever though students reported that they were familiar with flipped classroom approach before the module, they received clear instructions on the theoretical and practical background of method through PowerPoint presentation and videos during the first session. Before each flipped session student were provided with instructional videos prepared by main lecturer based on the teaching course book, extra reading materials and sometimes samples of actual in-classroom tasks. Later during the class student were engaged in active learning, group problem-based activities related to the outside class materials.
Data Collection In order to investigate pre-service teachers ' perceptions on flipped classroom, data was collected though both quantitative and qualitative research methods. The former served to measure the changes in perceptions, while latter helped to triangulate the results and perform in depth analysis on the underlying reasons. Quantitative data. After the clear instructions on the nature of flipped classroom approach, during the first session, students were asked to complete the questionnaire adopted from Mohammed (2014) with minor changes (see Appendix C). This questionnaire consisted of 17 questions investigating pre-service teachers

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