
Predominately Formative Assessment

Decent Essays

The methodology involved with this evaluation is predominately formative assessment, and is administered through a qualitative case study. The data collection will span approximately three months. Two of these months will be during the course, and the following month is used to schedule interviews with both the students and the instructor. While it is acknowledged that a month for the interviews is a large time frame, it is given as a curtsey to both the instructor and the students.
Pre-Course Set Up Before the course begins, the evaluator will be given access to the course a week in advance. During this time, the evaluator will examine the course content, assignments, discussions, navigation of the course, and note any technical errors …show more content…

During this case study two evaluation tools are employed, observation through the semester, followed with interviews at the end of the semester. The observation will focus on examining students’ interaction with the teacher, the students’ interaction with other students, students’ performance in discussions and assignments, students’ reported problems and technical issues, how students navigate the course, and any confusion either participant side has regarding the another.
After the semester, interviews are held with volunteer students. These interviews will contain a series of questions built through the semester involving content, known issues and interaction with the instructor. All questions are phrased to not be leading, and the overall interview will span a maximum of one hour per student and instructor. These interviews are tape recorded, and are transcribed for later data analysis. A copy of the transcribed data is provided to the students so that they may remove any sensitive answers or re-considered statements before the data is analyzed. This data are secured in a closed database (and back up) until transcribed, and then used in the

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