
Food Bank Case Study Essay

Decent Essays

I also decided also take a look at the Food Bank case study. “…Jesus said that I came that you might have life and life more abundantly” (John 10:10). Mount Zion’s congregation is not participating in the abundant life that Jesus intended for them. Embedded in this case study are issues of poverty and lack as well as some issues of conflict between members of the church. The primary issue is poverty and lack. Ken Ballard the new minister of Mount Zion has come to a church located in an area plagued by theft, robberies and addicts in the community. The church hierarchy has chosen to send resources to a new church located across town with middle-class African American members. Many of the well-off members of Mount Zion are above age 65. There is one member, Mary Thomas with resources and she seems to be controlling the purse strings of the church. Ken found a bill for $191.78 from the Statewide Food Bank program which Emily Standard is responsible for. The food bank has been trying to collect this amount from Emily over 14 months. Emily had been paying on it but no longer can afford to continue paying the bill due to her lack of financial resources. …show more content…

Emily was not at that meeting. Mary Thompson and Emily Standard are not on good terms. One is financially well-off Mary and the other Emily not well-off financially. Ken also learned there were requirements for participating in the food bank program including: placing an order each week, coming to pick up the food, storing the food in a location separate from the church’s kitchen, and keeping current on the food bill. None of these things the members of the church are capable of doing at this

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