Football is a sport in which a team is faced with adversity on every play. Once they complete the play their accomplishment on that play turns into resiliencey. Therefore, football could be one of the emotional, character building sports around. This section is about my resiliency in football and what traits I have to get through the challenges I faced. First of all, I’m a hard worker and that is my first trait. I used this trait to earn a starting spot at my position tight end. By working hard I gained trust and respect from my coaches. This also helped me in games, where I worked hard to move the sticks. This would allow the coaches to call plays to me in sticky situation. All of this was gained by hard work. The next trait is being
All of the videos showed the importance of concussion identification, management, and prevention when it comes to all athletes. In the video Life Changed by Football, Zach Lystedt was just your typical high school athlete. His story focused on the idea that one day you could be perfect and the next day it could be changed. This all started when Zach’s head snapped back during football and he sustained a concussion. One of the most important things that happened, that shouldn’t have, is that Zach returned to play. Coaches and athletic trainers didn’t properly assess his injury, sending Zach back out to play. Zach’s brain was still recovering from his concussion and returning to play caused even more damage. As a result, Zach was unable to move
Football is a dangerous sport. It's a game played by strong minded and physically gifted
It is America’s game. Tough, rough, explosive, exciting, and captivating. One can’t deny that this sport can truly be a thrill to watch. Big plays accompanied by big hits. Touchdowns paired with broken bones and concussions. Kids start when they are young aiming for the stars to be the next great NFL player. It is instilled in the culture from young age that football players are the biggest, baddest, and toughest athletes on the planet. They are the modern day warriors out to entertain the masses. Football players don’t get hurt, they play through the pain, at whatever cost and taking whatever medication they can to numb the pain.
We see injuries in pretty much every sport now a days. People refuse to let their children play sports because they are worried of them getting hurt. Football is one of those sports that have to deal with injuries on a daily basis. Football as a sport is highly praised in the United States. People truly love not only playing the game but also watching the college players and the professionals. The game of football first originated on November 6, 1869. It was actually two universities—Rutgers and Princeton—that made up the first college football game. The first NFL game was played on December 18, 1932. Football has clearly been around for a really long time and there seems to be no sign of the sport slowing down.
Football is one of America’s favorite sports. It originated from soccer and rugby. This kind of sport is very competitive. The main point of the game is to score points by carrying the ball from a starting point to a 100-yard long by 53-yard wide field into a marked zone. Each team has a Y-shaped structured called the field goal the players. The game is divided into timing sections ranging from 12 to 15 minutes quarters. Often times, the players become violent during the game. This happens when they have to tackle each other for the ball. During this tackling period, players injured, but like anything in life it possesses risks known to the athletes before signing a contract with the NFL’s (National Football League) owner.
Something that ticks me off is that people think football is hitting people with the ball and to beat the other team. There is more to football than that. It is about brotherhood and having each other's backs and making sure that when one of them does their job wrong you can help them out because you won't let one of your teammates fail. It is about waking up and doing intense workouts and finishing it with your teammates and getting better while everyone else is still sleeping.
Football is an American sport that consists of two teams composed of 11 men. On the 100-yard field, they go head to head, trying to keep the other team from advancing the ball down the field toward the end zone, resulting in a touchdown or field goal. Football pits the two teams against each other. The offense, which possesses the ball, is placed against the defense, which tries to prevent the offense from advancing the ball. Several different resources can contribute to a team’s success. Some of those resources are funds, talent level of players, and favorable position on the field, which makes it easier to score points. The four sociological perspectives, structural functionalism, conflict theory, symbolic interactionism, and social exchange theory, all credit different reasons for one team being able to achieve this goal more often than another team. Nevertheless, any of the sociological perspectives you view the sport from, football is a very complex entity. Football is more than just a group of men pounding one another. There is a complex equation that eventually equals success; the differences between these perspectives are the components of the equation that are most heavily weighed on for success. Although it may be a combination of all three perspectives that leads to success in football, it is fair to look at the game from each perspective individually because each holds important insight into what truly leads to a successful football team.
The value of resilience perfectly symbolizes those who learn from their mistakes. I can recollect the fiasco of my state piano recital during my freshman year of high school. It was a sunny April morning at the IUPUI Recital Hall. There were eleven other state finalists, so suspense and nerves are filling the air. I told myself that I performed at the Muncie Recital Hall perfectly fine, and that performance granted me this ticket. As I begin to play Tcherepnin’s Bagatelle Op. 5 No. 7, my hands started to tremble, and I buckled under the pressure. I stumbled over many simples notes, botched the rhythm, and immaturely shook my head in disappointment during my performance. On the drive home, I pondered about my performance, and I returned to the drawing board. I continue to practice often and punctiliously as I hope for a return trip for my senior year of high school. In addition to my musical talents, I also run varsity for the cross country team. From day one of practice, I had one goal in mind: to place in the twenty-one runners at the conference race. The goal was very attainable, and I had that in my head, day in and day out. The conference meet slowly crept up on the runners, and I was prepared to run the morning of October 3rd. My performance was gave me déjà vu; my performance was similar to my piano recital that day. I ran my slowest time of the
The United States is expecting drastic changes in the diversity of its population over the next 50 years. Minorities will become a larger portion of the country’s population. Changes will need to be made to the way our country operates, especially in education. New, innovative and inclusive ways of teaching will replace traditional methods. For these new changes to go smoothly, steps will be taken to implement diverse populations in schools, helping students benefit from the values of other cultures while learning to live along side each other. The competitive and biased curriculums will take back seat to new ones that cater to all members of the population, leaving behind
Football is a game of passion, a time when nothing else matters and the only thing that matters is going out there having fun and fighting for the guy next to you. Football has always been something that I loved and had a wild passion for. I’ve made friendships and memories to last a life time and I can always be grateful that football did that for me. Now of course I’ve had some bad memories during football as well, I remember walking out of the film room on the last day of spring ball and having Coach Antle grab me and say “Gage, I think I want to try you at a new position, I want to put you at defensive end. We need you more there and we think you can really excel there.” I remember being so furious, I had played linebacker ever since I could remember and now the last day of spring ball my senior year everything was about to change.
Football remains the most popular sport in America and the ninth most popular sport in the world for a reason. Since its creation in 1869, football has played a fundamental part of American society. Every Sunday, my family along with millions of other Americans turn the television to CBS, NBC or FOX to watch their favorite football team go to battle. My family and I bleed burgundy and gold and root for the home team the Washington Redskins. Americans including myself display great intensity and passion for the game of football and the result of the game often changes my attitude for the better or worse. Watching the game on television may come as exhilarating and entertaining, but playing the game creates the best times. Overall football has made a severe impact on many people’s lives. Football teaches unique lessons in a hands on manner which helps athletes like myself sustain a much more adventurous life. Football has made an immeasurably positive influence upon my life, but the sport has its dangers. Football changes lives.
Playing football has had the most impact on the development of my character. I started playing football when I was 5 years old. Playing football has taught me many valuable lessons. While playing football, I have better understood the values of hard work. Football taught me that the only way to succeed in something is by working harder than anyone else. Football has also taught me that when working with a team, everybody has an important role and if one person slacks off it hurts the entire team. There is no “I” in team and teamwork is a valuable life lesson. Whenever teammates are focused on individual accomplishments, instead of the team’s success, the team as a whole does not perform as well. I have learned through this that when you
Many claim that global warming is obvious and that all arguments against global warming fall. The problem is that what is “obvious” often isn’t true. “A gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and other pollutants.” This is the Webster dictionary definition of Global Warming, which basically says that due to an overflow of harmful and hazardous chemicals in the air that it is creating a danger zone for the earth. This is because these chemicals are increasing the earths’ temperature. Svante Arrhenius, a Swedish scientist was the first person to claim that in 1896 that fossil fuel combustion may
Katharine Berry and Zora Neale Hurston are two outlandish storytelling authors. Although, the two authors create myths, each women writes about completely different stories. Individually they write about how something came to be using the creativity in their minds. Both through storytelling. Though, they are in the same genre of writing, each has a distinct style which gives the readers, the chance to open up their imagination, with all of it’s creativity, cleverness and unlikeness.
The other trait that I carry is a hardworking attitude. I get this attitude from my grandmother. I play two competitive sports and I have to work very hard to earn my position. When I think about where I get my hardworking attitude from my grandmother comes to mind. When she was younger she grew up with seven brothers and sisters, one being her twin. She tells stories about how her brothers would always mess with her and her sister and when they wanted to play games after school her brothers played rough. By growing up with so many siblings she had to work hard to win and she was always competitive with them. This shaped her into becoming a hard worker as she got older. My grandmother had to work twice as hard during school because she was left handed. When she was growing up they forced her to learn how to write right handed. This was a challenge that she faced because her handwriting was never good and it could sometimes be hard to read. Every morning before school her siblings and herself would have to go out to the cotton patch and pick cotton before walking from their house to school.They also had to do this after school too, she always made sure she had her work done before doing anything else. Because she worked this hard growing up, as