
Foreshadowing In Eveline

Decent Essays

If faced with a choice of love or family, would you be able to make the right decision? Eveline by James Joyce, and IND AFF by Fay Weldon narrators had to make this decision. Eveline is a nineteen-year-old girl from Ireland who lives with her abusive father. She finds love with a lodger named Frank. Frank and she were going to run off to Buenos Aires and start a new life with each other. Unfortunately, duty, and family weigh heavy on Eveline’s mind before they board the boat, and she makes the decision to stay in Ireland. In IND AFF a young college graduate finds herself in Sarajevo with her college professor, Peter whom she believes she loves. Unfortunately for the narrator Peter is a married man, and if faced with the decision to leave his …show more content…

In Eveline, she emphasizes her family life and her duty. “She felt her cheek pale and cold and, out of a maze of distress, she prayed to God to direct her, to show her what was her duty.” (Joyce, 311) By making an emphasize on her duty throughout the story we can see though her heart may be with Frank, she feels as though her duty is with her father. IND AFF foreshadows her leaving Peter, when she begins to question in her head about his wife, Mrs. Peters. Also, when she realizes how accustomed she has become to his nagging, and persistent crankiness. “I noticed I had become used to his complaining. I supposed that when you had been married a little you wouldn’t hear it.” (Weldon, 138) We begin to sympathize with the narrator of how unrealizing unhappy she is with Mr. Peters. We can see the beginning of her falling out of love with her professor. Foreshadowing is very important in both stories because we can see and make guesses at what we would expect the narrators to do in their …show more content…

In Eveline, we are brought to believe that she is all willing to leave her abusive father, and to start over with her lover Frank. When she cowards out at the dock within minutes of leaving with Frank, and decides to stay in Ireland. “She set her white face to him, passive, like a helpless animal. Her eyes gave him no sign of love or farewell or recognition.” (Joyce, 312) The narrator begins to show fear of what might happen, and leaving. Eveline chooses her family, and to stay in Ireland rather than going off with Frank and starting a new life. In IND AFF the narrator makes the reader believe she is in love with Peter, and trying to convince him to leave Mrs. Peter and start a new life with her. When she makes an impulsive decision to go home by herself and leave Peter in Sarajevo, as she has fallen out of love with him. “How much I love you,” I said automatically, and was finally aware how much I lied.” (Weldon, 141) The narrator finally admits to herself she is no longer in love with her college professor, and the reader can see that it was a phase, sort of like a step by step process she had to go through. We can sense she needed the life experience of going to Sarajevo with her lover, to finally figure out what she really needed and wanted in

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