
Foreshadowing In The Open Window

Decent Essays

Humans are naturally uneasy and awkward when faced with an uncertain social setting. An unfamiliar place along with unfamiliar people can create an environment filled with abnormal behavior. Saki uses these variables so that his readers can empathize with his main character. In the short story, “The Open Window” Framton Nuttel, a troubled man, is fooled as a result of his nervous nature combined with fear which is further agitated by a young girl. Vera is the niece of Mrs. Sappleton, the lady who owns the house that Mr. Nuttel is visiting. The open window in the living room strikes up a conversation between Vera and Mr. Nuttel. She informs Mr. Nuttel that it stays open because one day Mrs. Sappleton’s husband and two brothers went hunting, …show more content…

Nuttel exemplifies a weakling. Rena Korb highlights that Mr. Nuttle, “has come to the Sappleton house, not at his own instigation but at the command of his sister” (Korb, 5). He was likely influenced easily by the people around him, displaying weak integrity. Mr. Nuttel only went on this retreat to avoid confrontation with his sister. Mr. Nuttel is also a “gullible hypochondriac” which in part is why Vera “fabricate[s] the absurd story of her aunt’s ‘great tragedy’ for her own amusement” (Welsh, 8). His gullibility, however, is not the characteristic that truly drives Vera to perform this innocent prank. Mr. Nuttel is a boring man who has terrible conversation skills. Munro even writes that he “could only talk about his illness” (Munro, 27). The boredom that Mr. Nuttel creates impacts Vera’s decision to manipulate him far more than his gullibility, which at this point only makes the prank easier. If Mr. Nuttel was a more interesting person, Vera may not have been driven to add a little excitement to the setting. Mr. Nuttel, in a way, brought this ill-fated event upon …show more content…

Nuttel is skeptical about staying with strangers from the beginning and doubts that it will be any help in his attempted nerve cure (Munro, 2). Although Framton has many issues, he is still trying to solve his problems by being open to new things that he is unsure about. He steps outside of his comfort zone by having, “formal visits on a succession of total strangers” (Munroe, 2). These visits are supposed to help Mr. Nuttel in his nerve cure which is why he is willing to put forth the effort. Mr. Nuttel shows, “uncertainty in even the most benign of social situations” (Korb, 7). This makes the whole situation very difficult for him even before he is spooked by Vera and her tale. This is a big step in the right direction, or so he thinks. Unfortunately for Mr. Nuttel, he is anguished for his actions. Although he tries to calm his nerves by taking this retreat, he ends up doing the exact opposite. Once Mr. Nuttel sees what he thinks are ghosts, his anxiety soars to an all-time

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