
Formaldehyde Reacts To Give Hexamethylene Report

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• Reaction with Ammonia Formaldehyde reacts with ammonia to give hexamethylene tetramine (urotropine) that is used in disinfecting the urinary canal. [5] • Reaction with Sodium Hydroxide Two molecules of formaldehyde react with one molecule of alkali. One molecule is reduced to methyl alcohol and the other is oxidized to formic acid. This reaction is called Cannizzaro's reaction. [5] The formate ion (potassium formate) formed reacts with water to give formic acid. • Reaction with Amines Formaldehyde methylates primary and secondary amines. With ethylamine it gives ethylmethyl amine. [5] • Polymerization Formaldehyde solution (formalin) when evaporated to dryness, will polymerizes to a white crystalline solid with melting point around

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