
Forrest Gump Thesis

Decent Essays

Directed by Robert Zemeckis and based on the book by Winston Groom, Forrest Gump follows the life of an Alabama native with an IQ of a mere 75, whose entire life is spread against the backdrop of many iconic American events, such as JFK, Vietnam, and Watergate. Tom Hanks plays the simple yet loveable titular character, Forrest Gump, and his quest to be with the love of his life, Jenny (Robin Wright).
The film begins in the late 1950’s with a very young Forrest Gump living in Greenbow, Alabama, where he lives with his mother, Mrs. Gump (Sally Field), who always managed to give him memorable phrases to help him out on his life journey, such as “stupid is as stupid does.” When Forrest attends school he quickly falls for Jenny, a young girl

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