The fort hood memorial service speech is about honoring the lives of 13 army veterans that lost their lives at the fort hood army base on April 2,2014 in Texas. lost their lives when Army Spc. Ivan Lopez opened fire at the army base killing 13 and other’s wounded. The accident was the second shooting that have happed on the base, leaving 13 other follow army killed by former army psychiatrist Nidal Hasan on the 5 of November 2009. Before the shooting on 2 of April 2014. Lopez get into an argument over leave, Lopez had been taking treatments for depression and anxiety and also post-traumatic disorder. The 13 veterans that lost their lives are, chief warrant officer Michael Cahill, who served in the nation guard and also work as a physician’s
Air Force Staff Sergeant Brian McElroy and Tech Sergeant Jason L. Norton were military police officers. Unfortunately, they are unable to extend their military service. Their lives were tragically taken.
When the twin towers were destroyed in New York City by the terrorist group led by Osama Bin Laden, a Country filled with panic, sadness, and anger was left behind. Thousands of innocent civilians were killed, and the families of the fallen suffered greatly. People demanded answers, and wanted justice. People also felt unsafe, and were unaware if it was reasonable to expect another attack. President George Walker Bush prepares a speech for congress to discuss the events that took place, and the plans that will take place because of these events. The objectives of the speech Bush was trying to accomplish were informing the nation what had happed on September 11th, he then noted that it was not Muslins to be blamed for the attack, the challenges that lie ahead, and our plan for the “War on Terror.” The President uses the canons of rhetoric to execute a speech that met his audience’s needs.
In the year 1995 America witnessed Michael Jordan’s return to the NBA, gas prices were quite low at the price of $1.09 per gallon, and space shuttle Atlantis docked with the Russian Mir Space station. All of these were highlights of the year of 1995, but with great things along came a great tragedy. April 19, 1995, right outside Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, a truck-bomb explosion stole the lives of 168 innocent people and had left hundreds of more injured. With a great tragedy such as this, then came along grief, a grief that would forever be in the hearts of many Oklahoma families; the victims’ families. In the speech, “Oklahoma Bombing Memorial Address” Bill Clinton speaks to the victims of the accident and helps them find the closer,
Due to the misfortune of this event, Barack Obama's speech was a eulogy. He used this style to honor the victims who had lost their lives in this shooting, as well as touch on previous tragedies such as those in Tucson, Aurora, and Oak Creek. After quoting scripture, Obama opened his speech by saying, "We gather here in memory of twenty beautiful children and six remarkable adults." He honored the victims by giving his love and prayers, and by naming each of the victims who have lost their lives in the shooting. Although Obama's purpose of this speech was to ask the nation to make a change, it was also to honor those who got killed in this catastrophic event. Because he named each specific
Veterans day is a very important day in America. In the book it says to prove this, "We push an empty chair to the table for the missing soldiers soldiers that are not here."From this quote we receive that most soldiers die because they risked their lives for us. Jason's wife states in the video, "...a soldier risks his life for a fellow soldier." This is evidence that soldiers are brave and will do almost anything to protect another soldier or anybody else. In the video it says, "A war zone is probably one of the most chaotic things you can ever go through." This evidence tells us soldiers are brave enough to put their lives at stake to save us. American soldiers do all of this to protect the country, so that is why they should get a special
I hope the week is treating you well and you enjoyed your Memorial Day holiday. Attached is the May 2016 Digital Reports which we will review in greater detail on our weekly call Monday morning.
At 9:02 a.m. on April 19, 1995, a 5,000-pound bomb, hidden inside a Ryder truck, exploded just outside the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. The explosion caused massive damage to the building and killed 168 people, 19 of whom were children (Rosenburg, 2011). On April 23, four days after the bombing, President Bill Clinton addressed the public and gave an effective, excellent speech.
The deaths in Valley Forge were very and many I want to help. So it makes me sad to see all the graves and the deaths.“Death Estimates….. 12000 people.” pg. 147 Noel F. Busch. This shows us how much people died. “ The whole Washington’s army's been through hard times” Background. This shows us that Washington
In the speech, Equal Rights for Women by Shirley Chisholm, main rhetor in the speech. She is the first African American woman to be elected to Congress. She is part of the House Representative in Washington D.C, from May 21, 1969, to 1983. She entered the primaries for the Democratic nomination for the presidency in 1972. Chisholm purpose is to fight for equal rights for all citizens, most specifically women. She wants to help as an advocate by providing more opportunities for women and encouraging women to do different men work field, other than just working as a secretary, teacher, librarian, or to just be a household woman. She wants to eliminate discrimination; prejudiced on the political view of
On November 5, 2009, the public gained knowledge about an incident that took place at an U.S. Army installation. Maj. Nidal Hasan, an Army psychiatrist, fatally shot 13 people and injured more than 30 others. He was facing a deployment to one of the many war zones overseas (McFadden, 2009). There are many reports about this incident and what actually took place. From what I’ve gathered, Hasan went into a processing center where soldiers go before and after they come back from deployment. After Hasan’s shooting rampage, he was finally stopped when Army Military Police (MP) officers shot him a total of four times. He is now paralyzed from the waist down due to the shooting. The Fort Hood shooting marked the worst shooting ever to take place on a military installation state side, to record. There was almost no structural damage because he used hand guns instead of bombs, or what we call weapons of mass destruction.
On November 5, 2009 at approximately 1:30 p.m., a gunman opens fire inside the base's Soldier Readiness Center at U.S. Army Base, Fort Hood, Texas. Soldier Readiness Center, is where soldiers who are about to be deployed or who are returning undergo medical screening ( During the shooting the gunman killed 13 and wounded 31 others. The gunman was shot and wounded by base police during the incident. This was the first time that an attack like this has happened in a military base on U.S. soil. All the soldiers and civilians inside of the Soldier Readiness Center were unarmed at the time of
Much like the people who serve and will ultimately utilize this organization, The Veterans administration (VA) has a set of core values each member of the armed forces live by: integrity, respect, excellence, advocacy and commitment. The VA has always signified a place of hope and security for veterans past and present. For those who serve the expectation is that when they need medical, dental, housing, educational and other assistance the VA would be there. Marred by problems over the years and recently in the media highlighted for long wait times to receive medical attention , bureaucratic red tape to receive the benefits these veterans have earned, some have paid the ultimate price (death) which they expected to happen in some foreign land not at home.
As for myself, I do not come from a military background and I thought this experience would open my eyes as to what the servicemen and women endure while defending our country. The service members often enjoyed having conversations about their injuries and how they were placed in this unit to be medically evaluated, treated, and given time to heal. The majority of the service members were injured while being deployed in Afghanistan or Iraq. I have learned from them, not all wounds are visible and many suffer from mental health issues. Unfortunately, the military has a very high suicide rate.
Next, when a soldier dies, a family has to prepare a funeral and all that goes into laying his or her daughter for an eternal rest. Sadly, military funerals are one of the more common targets that Westboro Baptist Church protests. Members of the Westboro church can hold up signs at military funerals that say, “Don’t Pray for the USA,” and “America is Doomed” (Biskupic Protest). One of the funerals that the Westboro Church protested at was Matthew Snyder’s. Matthew was 20 when he died. Matthew’s father Albert states that, “A man who dies for his country, for peace, should not have a father who has to fight to bury him in peace” (Biskupic). When any person in the military who fights
Racial tension has been a thorny issue for many Americans ever since the nation was founded. During the colonial era, white wealthy farmers often employed slaves from Africa, the Caribbean and other races to work in their farms. As the society progressed, however, the north wanted to abolish slave trade and give African Americans their rights but the south were against it claiming that the slaves provided the much-needed labor for their farms. This is what led to the civil war amongst other issues, and even though the country has been united ever since, race is still an issue and some states in the south fly the confederate flag. Opponents, however, have called for the removal of the confederate flag claiming that it fuels racial tension. One such opponent is South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, who made the “Confederate Flag Speech” in 2015 calling for the removal of the flag from Capitol grounds. Haley starts building her credibility reputable sources citing convincing facts, and successful employing the emotional appeal; however, towards the end of her speech she fails to convince the legislature, who have the power to remove the flag.