Amelia, I also agree, I found the stories to be very interesting but also inspiring. I understand why Fortier’s story caught your attention because after reading what you said about it, it caught mine to. She was a strong woman to put her career on hold to care for her husband. Her story is very inspiring
The story what I saw from where I stood by Marisa Silver story expressed not only
There are many people who went through challenges like these three people who have been through a lot like Ernesto Galarza, Farah Ahmedi, and Annie Johnson. These three people have been through a lot of challenges. The challenge that Ernesto had faced was that had gone to a new school and had to learn english and Farah Ahmedi had to cross the Pakistan border then Annie Johnson had to raise her own children by herself. However, all three shared an ability to accomplish to overcome their challenges to accomplish their goals.
In Jean Froissart’s “Chronicles” we are immersed in a version of historical events in France that involve French peasants in a current revolt against the nobility and knights that control the lands. With this sample, the audience is unaware of the reasoning of why and what particularly bewildered peasants to amass thus leading to a huge scaled revolt against the higher “gentleman” class. To recap the main details of the story, the combined French peasants numbered in the thousands manage to destroy the villages of (Beavoism, Corbie, Amiens and Montididier), wherein their path included raping of woman, burning of towns, and brutally torturing captured knights, (Froissart, Chronicles.1.181). As time passes with groups of nobility able to escape their terrorized lands, the tide turns when the combined forces of the allied knights converge on the formidable force of peasants numbered in the thousands at the town of Meaux. With the expected outcome, the knights readily equipped with horses, full scale of armor, and fine weaponry defeat and drive away all opposition with no mercy. Able to demolish the conglomerate of peasants the knights and squires would burn the town of Meaux massacring all peasants left insight making sure that all Jacques would never again consider revolting against their lords and masters. In this work where even though the author may have lived during this period of such events, I believe it seems unlikely that he was either a participant or eyewitness of
Through all of the pain and struggle, they continued to strive for greatness and overcome all odds. I applaud their journey and efforts. It makes me realize no matter what the situation is, I have to alway strive for greatness and want to succeed. This work really inspired me, it makes me come to a conclusion that failure is not a
The patience, compassion and encouragement of one person improved my family’s last years with its patriarch in countless ways. It was this improvement that inspired me to pursue a career as an
On April 20, 1534,Cartier set sail, hoping to discover a western passage to Asia. It took him twenty days to sail across the ocean. When he first came to canada he explored parts of Newfoundland. Cartier's first two encounters with first nations in Canada was on the north side of Chaleur Bay. The first nations (most likely the Mi'kmaq) had a brief meeting; but some trading still occurred. His third encounter with first nations took place on the shores of Gaspé Bay with a party of Iroquois(Haudenosaunee). On July 24, he planted a cross to claim the land for France.The cross was 10-meter bearing the words "Long Live the King of France"It meant that this land is under the rulership of france. The cross was a clear raised confusion among the Iroquois.Eventually
After speaking to a resident, she was able to show just how ambitious some of the ladies in the shelter could be. In movies most of the women in the shelter seem like they’ve hit rock bottom and don’t plan on getting out. Or they’ve been abused so badly that being strong and independent is no longer an option. Given the opportunity to speak to a resident, her story and the things she had to say were definitely unexpected. She proved every stereotype wrong and considered herself a fighter. She definitely appeared to be one after hearing her story.
It was interesting that she shared her experiences and advises which actually make me realize she’s right! I don’t need to make my first draft perfect, because this is not my final product. The thing that impacted me the most was when she said that writers are not confident about what they write in their first draft and that not one of them writes elegant first drafts. The fact that very few writes know what they are doing until they’ve done it, meaning writers don’t control what they are writing because their ideas change
After reading, Breaking Night by Liz Murray, it left me in all, in a swing of emotions but thrilled in the end. To listen to Liz struggle and pain that she endured as a child and being homeless during her teenage years made me look a life in a whole different way and made me appreciate my life so much more. I could never imagine going through the obstacles Liz was thrown with, such as, drug addictive parents with AIDS, the pressure of taking care of everyone but herself, juggling school and more. It made me realize that my life isn’t so bad, that there are people going through worse situations than I am and to appreciate the little things that I do have.
I liked the moral of the story, that you should put family first. Even if you do not have the time, because at any given time a close family member could become troubled in a medical situation that can restrict
Coco Vs The Book of Life After a long war with Joaquin for Maria, the love of their lives, Manolo ends up in the Land of the Dead in “The Book of Life”, an animated film by Dreamworks. With the help of his family, Manolo must travel through the land to get back home and save Maria.
Love is perhaps one of the most contested issues in the world. No one has a precise definition of what love really should look or feel like. Most people have resorted to use their own experiences in love to effectively derive its true meaning. Through these experiences, philosophers have argued that the definition of love varies greatly depending on whether it was given by a man or a woman. This is however not the case. As proven by the narratives of Beauvoir and Sartre, the definitions of love derived from the experiences of both men and women are quite similar. Consequentially, Beauvoir’s account of the woman in love sheds important light on Sartre’s conflicting thought about love. By first highlighting the concepts of love as stated by Beauvoir, this text seeks to establish how Beauvoir’s account of love lays a vital foundation for Sartre’s.
For our project we chose to use Macbeth as our inspiration. In our art piece, Lady Macbeth is standing tall looking over her shoulder at an distanced Macbeth, who is seen off to the side, not as a lesser character, but as an isolated being holding a dagger. The dagger is dripping crimson red blood, fresh from his latest kill; King Duncan. Over Lady Macbeth’s right shoulder is the devil; the king of all evils and evil doings; Satan. Creeping over her shoulder, the devil is clasping onto Lady Macbeth with his dagger like nails, gripping on, waiting for his next victim. In the background there are flames that engulf Satan and Lady Macbeth, while Macbeth is surrounded by trees that are green and thriving, but they are soon to be reduced to ash
What makes a culture distinctive? What shapes a culture’s development throughout history? For many cultures, one of the main answers is religion. Religion has, for millennia, formed the backbone of most societies, and it often shapes people’s identity. Mexico is no different. The connection of religion and culture in Mexico is made clear through its current demographics, its history, and its festivals.
This nice talk by Alicia was about her struggle with mental illness and how no one can openly talk about it due to the stigma. She told us how she had no joy and felt no hope that things would never change until one day her a woman gave her a necklace that said “Hope”. To Alicia this was her accidental hero. She said she was her accidental hero because the woman suffered from bipolar disease and was in maniac state giving all her stuff away. Therefore, she had to give the necklace back but it gave her an idea, it gave her hope. One day she thought we should all be intentional superhero’s to each other. She asked us to do that, tweet it, and spread the word on Facebook. She then told her story how she was an intentional superhero one day and