
Four Fallacies In Advertising

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In today's economy, merchants are looking for many ways to get consumers to buy their products through advertising. Many of these advertisements often do not make sense are difficult to understand, or sometimes it's just the product with the title and no description. This is because these advertisements have flaws in reasoning, or false arguments, to connect with their audiences. According to The St. Martin's Guide to Writing “Fallacies are errors or flaws in reasoning”(Axelrod and Cooper 620). They can be persuasive and sometimes deceive buyers from the truth, just to get them to buy a certain product or follow a certain fad. From commercials on T.V to magazines, fallacies are around us. Although there are many logical fallacies, the four …show more content…

But it does not offer evidence for such claim. It contains very little information regarding the function or how the new technology works. Very little or no comparison data from the older model to be able help in the decision making of the purchase of the razor. However, at times it happens that we compare two things which do not share any common characteristics. This Jockey advertisement displays Colonel Patton upper body and a Jockey model lower body with their latest underwear. It goes into detail about its new tough underwear and how it compares with Colonel Patton’s success in WWII. “While Patton was winning the western front, Jockey was securing the southern front”. Comparing the features that make the underwear stand out, such as the double stitching and guarantee by the company in case of any defects is similar to Colonel Patton's tough character and persona. The type of fallacy on this ad according to The St. Martins Guide to Writing is false analogy, “Assuming that because one thing resembles another, conclusions drawn from one also apply to the other”(Axelrod and Cooper

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