
Four Kings Pyramid Proof

Decent Essays

Filter This routine uses refined Pulp techniques and taxes your reverse spreading skills while also loading cards from multiple breaks. However, this direct method strips any visible handling down to a minimum. Obviously it’s best to perform this routine for a larger group as you need at least three participants. EFFECT: Lost in separate parts of the deck, three chosen cards magically appear trapped between all four kings initially examined & inserted into the middle of the deck by a spectator. METHOD: Before starting, place the four Kings face down on top of the deck. While any order suffices, let’s assume for the sake of clarity they’re in CHaSeD order with the Diamond on top. Say, “In a moment we’ll use the Kings in a magical way to …show more content…

Once noted, dribble the cards on top. Curl your fourth fingertip, enough to obtain a break beneath them and square up the cards. At this instant, remove the Kings from the top of the deck and hand them to a spectator for inspection. We’ll assume they remain in CHaSeD order, with the club at the face. Explain that the four Kings will help find the three selections somewhere in the middle of the deck. As you emphasize the middle, use Pulp Friction to control the three selections to the bottom as you spread the deck between your hands and square up. Retrieve the Kings and insert them as a face-up block into the center of the deck. As you square, your right hand grasps the deck by the ends. This frees your left hand to pinch the inner left corner as in Photo. Show the deck and gesture momentarily with your right hand. Now, place the deck into your right hand in dealing grip. While talking with your audience further, drop your right hand to waist level and prepare for the Collector phase as follows. Pull down the lower two selections with your right fourth finger and obtain a break above them. Now, use your third fingertip to pull down the third selection (third from the face), obtain a break above

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