
Four Main Tissue Categories

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6. Tissues are defined as groups of cells with a common structure and function. However, there are four different main categories in the human body: epithelial tissue, connective tissue, muscle tissue, and nervous tissue. Even within the four main categories, there are different types of cells assembled in a different formation. For example, the cells in the epithelial tissue are joined closely together with little material in between them. There are different types of epithelium tissues, including the simple epithelium and stratified epithelium. A simple epithelium has a single layer of cells and a stratified epithelium has multiple layers of cells. Just within the epithetical tissue, the cells connect to each other in a different structure …show more content…

Unlike the epithelial tissue, the muscle tissue is “composed of long cells called muscle fibers” (Campbell). There are three types of muscle tissues: skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, and smooth muscle. The cells of a skeletal muscle are long and close to the shape of a cylindrical. Cardiac muscle cells described as being y-shaped. Smooth muscle cells are small and tapered with thinner ends. Among the four main categories of tissues in the human body (epithelial, connective, muscle, and nervous), the type of cell is different and the way they connect to each other is different as well. Each tissue has a different function within the human body’s organ and if the cells that make up the tissues were similar in every aspect, it would not be possible for the tissues to carry out its own specialized function needed for the body to operate properly. A closer look within the main categories, there are more specific types of tissues which also require special cells that are connected to each other in its own way in order for the tissue to function properly and efficiently inside different organs of the human

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