
Four Parenting Styles

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When we are discussing parent methods we need to be aware there are many factors that affect how parent develop their children. There is a social factor that affects how we develop our child. This different factor affects parents and how they believe a child should act and behave. Mothers and father both play a huge roll in a child development. How a mother and father choose to parent their children also affect what kind of person the child will become. There are four different parenting methods this is authoritative, permissive, authoritarian, uninvolved and passive parenting styles. This dimension affects a parent and child relationship.
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Authoritative parenting styles are when a parent demands and maintain a high level of control over the children but also warm and receptive. Permissive parenting style is when the parent places few controls or demand on the child. Authoritarian parenting styles are when the parent is strict, punitive and not warm. Uninvolved parents give children a lot of freedom and generally stay out of their way. Some parents may make a conscious decision to parent in this way, while others are less interested in parenting or unsure of what to do. Uninvolved parenting styles allow the child to do as they see fit. A parent who due to this parenting style out of lack of information and care. Often the children lack nurturing and there are few or no expectations of children. When reviewing this four different parenting styles we can see that due to the diverse parenting styles the child development may be complex. Mother and father both can use any or all this parenting styles that best fit the development application of a child in the different area of development. (Seccombe,

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