
Foxy Originals expansion into the U.S. market Essay

Decent Essays

Case Study | center3962291Foxy Originals
Expansion into The U.S. Market

Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Executive Summary: PAGEREF _Toc382852169 \h 3Problem statement PAGEREF _Toc382852170 \h 4Analysis PAGEREF _Toc382852171 \h 4Impact Analysis PAGEREF _Toc382852172 \h 5Criteria for an Effective Solution PAGEREF _Toc382852173 \h 5Evaluation of Alternatives PAGEREF _Toc382852174 \h 5Recommendation PAGEREF _Toc382852175 \h 6Action Plan PAGEREF _Toc382852176 \h 7Appendix A PAGEREF _Toc382852177 \h iAppendix B PAGEREF _Toc382852178 \h iii

Executive Summary:Foxy Originals has been becoming a popular jewelry brand in Canada with their low-priced high-class products. With fast pace growing in local market, Foxy’s jewelry …show more content…

However, finding some suitable people is not that easy.
Carrying out both methods discussed above meanwhile sounds good, but a new problem emerges—territory ownership. For instance, Kluger and Orol had have to pay for commission fees on all sales, if Foxy came to a trade show, say, New York while hiring a New York based sales representatives in the same time. This is an industry norm, so Foxy has to follow. The partners also considered about attending the trade shows in the major fashion hubs and sending their sales representatives to some smaller cities; however, if so, that doesn’t help Foxy to establish brand awareness in the United States, as these cities are not fashion-forward.
Impact AnalysisImplementing distribution methods could generate some negative impacts if Foxy decides to enter into U.S market. As a result, the main impacts would affect Foxy’s design department and the logistic department.
Jewelry designed by Foxy has been approved by Canadian. However, there is uncertainty about the how responsive American customers would be. If American customers prefer other style, whether Foxy needs to play up to U.S. market by changing design style, or hiring new designers? Moreover, Foxy should pay much attention to logistics, because delivering abroad is more complicated. Foxy needs to find a reliable deliver partner who could be responsible for delivering goods on time.
Criteria for an Effective SolutionCost/Benefit: help Kluger and Orol pick the

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