
Franz Kafka's In The Penal Colony

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Law is commonly understood as a set of rules made for common good and smooth functioning of the administration.Both the common people and those involved in governing and making laws must obey the same.The understanding of legal system as a co-operative effort to promote the common good implies a moral relation between those who govern and those who are governed.However, law in a colonized land is a different one. Since, in a colony the judicial system is mostly in the hands of the colonizers, therefore, there is full possibility of the same to be bias or unequal.Law in literature has now become an established discipline for its gives a picture of what is happening in a society. This paper makes an attempt to study law and its portrayal in the literature by bringing in Franz Kafka’s short story “In the Penal Colony” in the context. Kafka’s short story can be studied as a depiction of a colonial state and its people being deprived of a proper judicial system and thus are facing injustice and inequality.
Keywords: Law, authority, literature, Franz …show more content…

The paper highlights on the issues related to law and its functions in a colonized state which in no respect reflects the ideal functions of the same as mentioned above .Much of Franz Kafka’s literary works use the law as a backdrop or thematic concern. He explores the interconnectedness of law, justice, power and authority. It must be acknowledged that Kafka’s experiences of the world has influenced his writings to a great extent. However, law is inevitably present in his literature. The key literary works that reveal Kafka’s attempt to highlight the law and the authority and the interconnectedness between the two, include the novel The Trial, short story “In the Penal Colony”and “The Problem of our

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