
Free College Admissions Essays: The Importance Of Critical Thinking

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Hi everybody, my name is Alison, and I am 28 years old. I live in Seattle, Wa, and I love every minute of it. I am originally from Ohio, a small town surrounded by corn fields and farm animals; my family still lives there, and I visit, but I wouldn't move back there. I moved to Seattle when I was in the Navy and never looked back. I love going hiking, photography, and going to breweries. I am happily married with no kids; I have two fur babies, a dog (Kona) and a kitty (Gorda). I have a full-time job and recently found out they pay for all of my colleges, so here I am finishing my degree. I am studying Psychology in hopes to get my Ph.D. eventually. I decided to go back to college to better myself and get the career that I want and finally prove to myself that I can accomplish big things. …show more content…

Getting frustrated all the time is not good for you or the people around you, it can hinder how people view you and make doing things harder for yourself. Critical thinking is important because you can gain a better understanding of your learning and empathy from other viewpoints. To help me gain control of the situations, I don't understand I will follow what the book says to do; ask myself what is unclear, not understood, or unknown. From taking this class, I hope to learn how to form an argument around logic and prove myself with facts and reasoning. Logic is not driven by emotions, which is what I like; I like that people's feelings about certain subjects can't get in the way with that is

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