
Freedom Writers Sociology

Decent Essays

The film “Freedom Writers” is about a young, new high school English teacher, Mrs. Gruwell, which gets her first job at a struggling school. For her going to work was like entering a war zone because the students were rebelling against learning, and she kept fighting back with education. The class is segregated by race and gang affiliation. The Blacks stayed with the Blacks, the Hispanics with the Hispanics, the Asians with the Asians, and the one Caucasian in the class kept to himself. Gang violence, drugs, broken homes, shattered bank accounts, and even no homes at all effect these students. Although, Mrs. Gruwell has a plan to not let these experiences define their lives. This plan involves putting her marriage at risk, and taking a second …show more content…

This is an extremely bold statement because as most know the holocaust was a massive extermination based on race, culture and appearance, exactly how gangs are separating themselves from others and hating the other due to the color they wear, the things they believe in, and evidently shown in the movie the color of one’s skin. Over 11 million people were killed including the elderly, young children and infants making it such a strong and to some a thoughtless and thoughtless comparison. Although this was an extreme statement I believe that it was a necessary thing to vocalize to her students. It was a way for her to get the attention of students who think she had no purpose teaching the class and also the students that had no intention of branching out from what they know, gang-life. With her bringing up this analogy it sparked some interest in the students to read the diary of Anne Frank. With the students interested in the topic the viewer could finally see that she was starting to make a difference in the lives of those she taught. Sharing with her students the reading and writing in their journals about their experiences in their spare time, frankly creating their own diary or story instead of going out into the streets and participating in gang related activities. Sometimes you must dig deep and say something that could possibly be offensive and relate it to life to spark a fire in somebody to make a difference in their own life when they feel like there is no hope for their future and show that there is always one person that is hoping and dreaming for their success. This was a statement to prove a strong point in the movie that nothing respectable comes out of segregating yourself from others because they look different than you or are a part of a different gang or

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