
Freshman Year Research Paper

Decent Essays

Freshman year is not as undemanding and trouble- free as it seems. You must do what you need to in order to survive the freshman year. If you start to fool around in your first year of high school, it might turn into a bad habit for the years to come. Therefore, certain guidelines can help throughout this phase. In order to survive the year, you must learn some basic rules and try to stick with them for the next four years of high school. You have to be prepared to do some work, but also have fun while you’re at it. What you learn during these four memorable years will most likely stay with you for the rest of your life.
Moving schools was an issue for me when it came to making new friends. I moved from a place I grew up around and people I …show more content…

The most important thing not to do is stay quiet. It is not asking questions that will make one look foolish. Not knowing the answer to a question does. This is especially a smart idea if you don’t understand the homework. This was and is still what I do and it really does not help. Teachers may be tough on the outside but deep down they do want to see their students succeed. For example, I had a teacher who was a football coach and was buff. My first impression of him was that he was not a nice guy. As the school year went by, I had more and more questions to ask but was just too afraid because I thought my questions weren’t good enough or too dumb to ask. I started to get bad test scores and I did not want to fall behind so what I did was I went in at lunch, I put my big girl pants on and entered his class. He was sitting in his chair staring at me as I walk towards him, I told him the questions that need to be answered and he actually answered them and had told me to go into his class anytime and ask him questions. Since that day, I keep in mind that teachers are teachers for a reason. They are there to teach what you do not know. They want to make sure you understand the material clearly. My point is to ask,ask,ask! Set up a time before or after school or even during school to meet with your …show more content…

They bring that into high school which will bite them back the rest of that year. Doing the homework you are assigned will really benefit you as well as studying. Later on it sometimes may seem like busywork, but it’s only making you better! You need to be devoting a good amount of time on your homework. Reading and researching are good studying habits to be built on for it will most definitely come in handy in the future. If you do it, you will get way better grades and relieve a lot of

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