
Freshmen And Senior Participation At University Level Courses

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In this study, there is an overall focus on both freshmen and senior participation in university level courses. Does the seniority of students in universities effect their overall rate of success in one-hundred level courses? Therefore, are seniors less engaged than freshmen in these classes, and what is effecting their success? Throughout this process, participants were observed and later seen in interviews and focus groups to scope out and answer the hypothesis created for this study. Seniors who are taking one-hundred level courses will study less and be less engaged than freshmen, causing them to do poorly in the class. This study was conducted to better understand the different constraints that these two classes experience during their time at a university. Are seniors actually less engaged than freshmen or is it simply an error in judgement?
During this process it is important to note that the students involved in participant observation were not aware they were being studied. This was meant to keep a nonreactive research environment rather than a reactive research environment. Not wanting the students to change their overall demeanor, it would better the overall analysis. However, in both the interview and focus group conducted it was a reactive environment which could alter the overall success of this analysis. First off, the focus group conducted was done by another researcher and unfortunately yielded little results. Unlike the focus group, the interview and

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