
Freudian Psychology: Cognitive Approached By Sigmund Freud

Decent Essays

Section 3: Cognitive Approach

The unconscious mind has a major role in the general understanding of the human behavior and emotions. In analyzing Adolf Hitler’s personality and beginning to understand how the human brain functions in sorting behaviors as such, the model of Freudian Psychology proposed by Sigmund Freud outlines the instinctual desires and how these can be interpreted as totally understandable or utterly confusing. Freud proposed that the human psyche could be divided into three parts, also known as a tripartite. These three areas carry the names Id, ego, and superego. All of these different parts develop in different times of our human lives, such as early childhood, teenage life, and early adulthood. We carry them in ourselves throughout our lives, and they influence our behaviors and impulsive needs. …show more content…

This is the primitive, instinctual part of the human mind that contains underlying sexual and aggressive drives. The Id specifically has been connected to the Pleasure Principle (Freud, 1920) proposed by Freud himself. This pleasure principle is evident largely in humans in the stage of the Id, as behaviors in the Id are generally very fantasy oriented and are selfish in many different ways. The narcissistic behaviors displayed by Hitler himself can be attributed to this impulsive behavioral pattern coming from the Id.
The stage after the Id is the Ego. The Ego is a developed stage, which is there in order to create a realistic mediation between the unrealistic desires of the Id, and the impact on and from the environment of the human. The environmental factors that played into Hitler were his abusive father, and loving mother. The main point that Freud develops is that the Ego is specifically capacitated in order to bring self-control and general control of one's needs and wants from the past

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