
Fruit Fly Brain

Decent Essays

Reading minds is something that everyone at some time in their life wants to do. Now, with improved technology, we can. Scientists have started to study the mind of a fruit fly and what they have found is amazing. Scientists have stumbled upon a possible solution to figuring out the brain of a fly, and possibly the mind of a human. Using fluorescent molecules, researchers are “tagging” neurons in the brain of a fruit fly. After “tagging” the neurons in the brain, the flies are exposed to certain situations, like excessive heat. The scientists observe the behavior of the brain’s neurons as the fly is presented with the situation. The scientists are especially interested in a certain point of nervous contact. This point is called a synapses. …show more content…

The concept, itself, made sense when I read the article, but some of the smaller aspects were questionable. First off, researchers are using flies as test subjects and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to notice some HUGE differences between humans and flies. I am positive that human brains are a little bit more complicated than that of a fly. The neurons in a fly's brain may work differently than neurons in a human brain. Secondly, animals and humans have totally different body structures. It is like comparing a earth to mars. The brain is set up differently because the different tasks it has to complete. A fly most likely won’t have to walk on two feet, so therefore it already must have a different brain composition than humans. A human doesn’t fly, so therefore it already has a different brain composition than flies. One question I have about this method is: Hasn’t this method already been applied to humans with polygraphs? Why is this information even useful to scientists? This experiment made a lot of sense, but I’m not sure if this is worth researching since it seems we’ve already been down this avenue (with the polygraph). If we could use the technology from polygraphing, it could help us to understand communication in our brain better. This knowledge could help us in curing brain diseases and problems with the nervous system. So, I’m not sure that this experiment was as successful as it could’ve been if they had studied humans

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