This is my last project for FST 220: 3D Computer Graphics. I made a Toy monkey based off of the one in Toy Story 3. This project involved the use of box modeling and texturing. I started with a cube and formed the torso until it matched with the reference pictures. After I made the torso, I extruded faces to make the arms and legs. For the fingers and toes, I used the Insert Edge Loop tool to make more faces and extruded them individually. The head was extruded and vertices moved to make the shape of the head and ears. The eyes and cymbals were modeled separately. For the textures, I applied a cloth material on the torso of the body as well as the pants. The arms, head, and feet have a noise material on them, while the face is a standard Blinn material. Part of the assignment was to make a scene with your project with a background and other objects in the scene. I decided to make a scene where the toy monkey is placed with other toys. …show more content…
Modeling is one thing I could improve on with this project. The head is shaped to proportion, but I could add more depth to it. I could add more details in the face so it could look more realistic. I could also model the ears so that they could be more connected to the head. Another detail I could improve on with this toy monkey is modeling the eyes with the head, instead of making separate eyes. Texturing the toy monkey can also be improved. When I made the object, I added a hypershade to each face of the object. I would improve on this by making a UV layout and placing a textured image on it to create a “fur” like appearance. I could also make a bump map so that it creates an illusion of fur on the monkey. I would also re-texture the pants so instead of a checker style pattern, it would have a red stripe pattern and also have fabric material. The overall look of the monkey would be more realistic if I made these improvements because then the monkey wouldn’t look so blocky, and
Clouds to form in the atmosphere have to have water vapor present. This water vapor makes up a cloud. The water vapor in the atmosphere comes from evaporation or deposition. Also the temperature of the air is below the dew point. When the water is fully saturated, it starts to rise and the expansional cooling process begins. During the process of condensation, the aerosol particles act like a nuclei in the atmosphere, which began to grow, creating ice crystals that are big enough to produce a cloud.
It's time to experience high speed and frustration free internet browsing and home networking. The Belkin N750 (F9K1103) DB Gigabit Wireless N+ router is a well rounded and feature packed home network upgrade. Slow downloads, dropped connections and lagging game-play are all a thing of the past with the N750 from Belkin.
Thank you for the opportunity to assess your sales data in order to provide recommendations for increasing your sales. The analysis and recommendations below are based on the data you provided, which covers a period from May 2004 through June 2006. The analysis below is based on this data alone. Therefore, our recommendations should be tempered by your knowledge of business realities and your market. Please let us know if we can answer any questions concerning the analysis or the recommendations provided.
1. How much obedience and loyalty does an agent employee owe to an employer? What if the employer engages in an activity—or requests that the employee engage in an activity—that violates the employee’s ethical standards but does not violate any public policy or law? In such a situation, does an employee’s duty to abide by her or his own ethical standards override the employee’s duty of loyalty to the employer?
I have found that you have some remaining spot in organic chemistry 1 problem solving course during Mondays 12 to 12:50 pm . I highly request you to add me or enroll me in this course through registration adjustment process.?
material into smaller amounts of information to help her avoid feeling overwhelmed” (p. 63). This compares to my point in being hopeful. I was hopeful for my dad to get better and to get through his condition, as Beatty had hoped her patient (Lauren) would get through her challenge about being overwhelmed with her child. I believe nurses did to maintain a hopeful and optimistic attitude to support their
After reviewing the discussion of genre in Chapter 8 of Film: From Watching to Seeing, demonstrate your understanding of one selected genre using a feature-length film.
|Bob Barr. "The Cybercrime Treaty Threatens Civil Liberties." Opposing Viewpoints: Cyber Crime. Ed. Louise Gerdes. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, |
As I began this project I saw no purpose of keeping track of all these different things. I proceeded through the project and started to keep track of my intake, macronutrient range, fat breakdown and stage of change reports and I found it quite helpful to keep track of all those things. This project made me ensure that I was on the right path to becoming a healthy human being. I did not realize how unhealthy my eating habits were until this project made me examine that, which was a good thing. I still find it hard to maintain a strict healthy diet while being at college. Sometimes I am forced to deviate from my healthy diet, but this project helps me get back on track.
Identify and describe a resource (either community or web-based) for the parents to use to continue their learningat home.
The two bigger things I plan to continue working on with Aaron are his social skills and his anxiety. Together, him and I will continue working on positive social skills and how to interact with others. He is not one that enjoys role play. He would much rather just sit and talk. I would also like to keep working on art projects or any hands on project where he can write things down. This way, we are not just discussing out loud what to work on, but we are writing it down or drawing pictures which helps us to think about the things we are working on in other ways as well. It is one thing to talk about it, but it is another to draw pictures or write it down. His poor social skills and his grades create a lot of anxiety in his life, so I plan to keep working on different coping skills with him. He has informed me in the past that his favorite coping skills is counting to ten. We have been going over breathing and counting to ten when he is anxious. As of now, he needs a lot of reminders to breathe use a coping
B ) A theory is an integrated explanation of numerous hypotheses, each supported by a large body of observations and experiments.
Due to the increase in racial and ethnic diversity in the United Sates there is a great need to provide counseling interventions that cater for social issues that are attributed to the racial and ethnic diversity. Presently, efforts are being made to implement social justice advocacy strategies and interventions into counseling practices. Thus, counselors are encouraged to be agents and advocates for social justice, oppression, and discrimination (Ratts & Hutchins, 2009). At the forefront of social justice counseling approaches, is the need to empower the oppressed or marginalized individual by confronting injustices and inequalities that affect the individual at the systemic level (Pedersen, Lonner, Draguns, Trimble, & Rio, 2015).
For the 2020 election, I will vote for the first time in my life. Voting is an important right that most citizens will have by the time they are eighteen, and the candidates you are presented with may leave you with a difficult decision to make. Thankfully, popular presidential candidates host many events so voters are able to better understand their views and positions. So, if last year I was presented with the opportunity to vote last year, and I had to ask one of the two main candidates a question, I would ask Donald Trump when America was in a period so great that we should strive to return to it.
Introduction-very brief and short and only has two sentences. It says that a sock monkey is a toy made from socks fashioned in the likeness of a monkey. These stuffed animals are a mixture of folk art and kitsch in the culture of the United States and the culture of Canada.