
Fuck Tha Police Skit Analysis

Decent Essays

“Fuck tha Police” is divided by three skits. The skits are used to depict what N.W.A believes the ideal judicial system would look like. The first skits shows how cops abuse of their power; in it are MC Ren, a Cop, and Dr.Dre. They say:
Pull your goddamn ass over right now!
Aww shit, now, what the fuck you pullin' me over for?
‘Cause I feel like it!
Just sit your ass on the curb and shut the fuck up!
Man, fuck this shit!
A'ight, smartass, I'm taking your black ass to jail!
MC Ren, will you please give your testimony
To the jury about this fucked up incident?
This works to show a real life experience, where an officer would mistreat a person for being black or of color. In the skit, MC Ren was simply driving, violating no law, but the officer aggressively approached him. As Dr. Dre plays the judge in this ‘courtroom,’ we see that when he says: “MC Ren, will you please give your testimony/To the jury about this fucked up incident?” he is actually represent the ideal judge. Since he describes the incident as being “fucked up” he recognizes that is was not right of the police officer to speak to MC Ren is such a hostile way nor pull him over without having reason to. In the first skits N.W.A show the ways …show more content…

The officer says “Fuck you, you black motherfuckers!,” and by including this in the song N.W.A imitated the idiosyncrasies of the typical racist police officer. However, this skit is seen as the ‘ideal courtroom’ because during this time and still today, police officers are being acquitted for their discrimination and violent actions. In N.W.A’s courtroom it does not matter the color of your skin tone nor your job title in order to be found guilty of your unjust actions. All the evidence in the skits pointed towards police injustice and brutality; therefore The judge, Dr. Dre, found him guilty, not being deterred because he was a police officer or because he was

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