
Heart Failure: A Case Study

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1. According to NYHA, the classification places the individual into different categories based on limitations during physical activity (Classes of Heat Failure, 2015). Due to Ms. Griffin's physical activity description, I would classify her functional capacity assessment as a class four. I chose this class because she has symptoms even at rest. Ms. Griffin would also classify as a class D objective assessment. Also, due to her limitations and symptoms at rest.
2. Ms. Grifflin’s weight loss could be due to reduced blood flow or Lasix medication. According to JACC, a recent studies links weight loss to reduced intestinal blood flow (New Insight Into Weight Loss in Heart Failure Patients, 2014). Unintentional weight loss is a serious complication of heart failure.
3. Ms. Griffin sudden gain of two pounds may be caused by accumulating fluid. This is a sign of exasperation of heart failure. Her medication needs to be altered to stop the weight gain.
4. Ms. Griffin is on oxygen due to fluid in her lungs. Left heart failure causes fluid back up in the lungs (Heart Failure, 2015). Right side heart failure causes swelling in the legs, feet and abdomen (Heart Failure, 2015). Some signs are her dyspnea, hypertension, and angina. All of these are caused by the increase workload …show more content…

A physical examination will be done by the doctor. The physician might order additional exams, such as, blood tests, chest x-rays, EKG, echo, and stress test. The chest x-ray will show whether the heart is enlarged or congestion (Common Tests for Heart Failure,2015). Electrocardiogram records the heart’s. rhythm (Common Tests for Heart Failure,2015). Echocardiography is an ultrasound uses sound waves to examine the heart (Common Tests for Heart Failure,2015). The stress test is when the patient walks on the treadmill and speed increases (Common Tests for Heart Failure,2015). The patient will then sit or lie down, and the heart and blood pressure are checked (Common Tests for Heart

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