
Discussion Questions For Potential Teachers

Decent Essays

Each teacher during an interview process experience the anxiety of answering each questions accurately to successfully obtain a teaching position in the school they apply. But sadly, not all teachers are qualified to be granted a teaching position. As it is required all teachers underneath the No Child Left Behind act (NCLB) are to be highly qualified in a content area, this leaves little room for educators who are solely certified in initial teaching and special education regardless of their background experience as they do not consume the certification in ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies and etc. While interviewing a potential teacher for a school, the administrators along with the panel must determine how qualified is the teacher is to be offer a position in their school, but also eliminate other candidates due to their lack of experiences. In some situation a potential teacher with experiences working with students in special education without a highly …show more content…

It solely focus on what I was able to accomplish through my certification while taking the praxis test, but as many students suffer from test anxiety, so do adults who want to achieve a content certification to teach students, even if they are exceptional in the subject. Witnessing first hand some teacher are highly qualified upon graduating from college, but when they enter a classroom, becomes the worst teacher, when implementing a lesson to their students. Therefore, it is not about what you know, but about how you believe you can change the structure of a classroom based on your knowledge and experience while working with different individuals. In conclusion, the interview is not exclusively about a person experience and knowledge, but a determination of ones outcome in the educational system and sometime based on who you know and what they want in a person regardless of their

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