
GI Diet Analysis

Decent Essays

An overview of the GI Diet The GI Diet is a diet based on the Glycemic Index (GI) – a diet monitoring guideline that focuses on eating more carbs, which tends to steady blood sugar levels. Moreover, the fibre content in such foods is high, which helps people feel full for longer. When they feel hungry less often, they automatically tend to take in less sugar-intensive foods. How does the GI Diet work? On the glycemic index, foods are rated on a scale of 0 to 100 based on how much they contribute in raising the blood sugar levels. Foods that are rated 70 or higher are categorised ‘High GI Foods’. These typically include wheat bread, sugar-sweetened beverages, white potatoes, white rice, etc. Foods rated between 56 to 69 fall under ‘Medium …show more content…

It is a fairly simple way of diet control as compared to other methods where one needs to keep a calorie count or monitor portions. It also allows people to choose from a wider variety of foods to eat. How does it benefit? The primary benefit of a GI Diet is to control blood sugar levels and diabetes. Some studies have shown that people on a low-glycemic diet lost more fat than those on a high-glycemic diet with the same calories. However, it has not yet been scientifically established that the GI Diet directly helps in weight loss. Overall, the GI Diet primarily helps people choose carbs wisely and control their intake to stabilise blood sugar levels. Being a low-carb diet, it also helps people who are insulin-resistant to control diabetes. One important thing to keep in mind while following the GI Diet is that it is a self-monitored exercise. Eating a balanced, healthy diet is still important, which is not entirely covered by the Glycemic Index. Some higher-glycemic foods, like sweet potatoes, are healthier then some other lower-glycemic foods, like nuts. So while the glycemic index may be a good guideline for the choice of foods, one still needs to monitor his or her intake of these

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